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Court Judgements

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On 1 November 2010 the accused and the deceased were drinking traditional beer at one Jestina Mutasa’s homestead at Munhungeyi Village, Chief Nhema, Zaka. The two had a misunderstanding which led the accused to fatally stab the deceased on the right side of the chest with an okhapi knife. More

The respondents were placed on remand on charges of public violence as defined in s 36 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act. [Cap 9:23]. The magistrate at Nyanga, before whom they appeared, admitted them all to bail under specified conditions. Counsel for the State then immediately advised the court a quo that the State intended to appeal against the decision in terms of s121 of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act. This is the appeal against the decision of the magistrate More

The accused person is a 17 year old juvenile first offender. He is an orphan doing Form 3 at Majaha Secondary School. He was residing with his senile grandmother. He pleaded not guilty to raping a 14 year old complainant who is his friend’s niece. He initially went to the kitchen hut where the complainant and her siblings were to put up for the night and when asked what he wanted he bolted out without saying anything. He later returned after the complainant and her siblings had fallen asleep, opened the door, entered, throttled the complainant and raped her. More

The accused is the Minister of Energy and Power Development. In the main count he is alleged to have directed one of his subordinates Griefshaw Revanewako to purchase 5 million litres of diesel without going to tender in contravention of s 30 of the Procurement Act [Cap 22: 14] as read with sections 5 (4) (a) (ii) and 35 of the procurement regulations [S.I. 171 of 2002]. Mr. Justin Mupamhanga the Ministry’s permanent secretary gave evidence on behalf of the state. Under cross-examination he was subjected to the following questions by Mrs. Mtetwa counsel for the defense. More

The two accused persons were jointly indicted for trial in the High Court on 10 January 2011 on a charge of fraud. They were initially charged with three others whose charges have since been withdrawn before plea with a view of turning them into State witnesses. More

The five accused persons were jointly indicted for trial in the High Court on 10 January 2011 on a charge of fraud. At the commencement of their trial the prosecutor advised the court that she was withdrawing charges against the third, fourth and fifth accused before plea. Their respective legal practitioners accepted the withdrawal of charges against their clients before plea More

On 6 April 2008 the accused who was 17 years old and in the company of his cousin the late Trust Macharangwanda approached the deceased and accused her of practicing witchcraft and being responsible for death and illnesses in the family. The deceased who was 69 years old protested her innocence and suggested that the accusations required the presence of family elders. The result was a combined assault initiated by Trust and joined in by the accused. The two randomly assaulted the deceased using two sticks leading to the subsequent death of the deceased. More