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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant is a female adult aged 31. She was arrested on 16 June 2011 on allegations of theft of motor vehicles. She has an infant aged six months who is incarcerated with her in prison. She has approached this court for her release on bail pending trial. More

Applicant is seeking an order for the upliftment of a bar operating against him as a result of his failure to file a plea. More

This is an urgent chamber application in terms of which applicants are seeking an interim interdict along the following lines; “ That the police be and are hereby interdicted from interfering with applicants possession and ownership of their vehicle being a Toyota Registration number ABD 2925 (now registered as ADM1793) and shall forthwith return same to applicants, at any rate within 24 hours of this order.” More

The applicant is a Workers Union representing Zimbabwe National Water Authority Workers. It is a registered trade union. It originally represented Zinwa employees, but now represents Zinwa employees, and former Zinwa employees who were transferred to Local Authorities when Zinwa’s water function in local authorities was transferred to local authorities. The respondent is the City of Harare one of the local authorities to which Zinwa transferred some of its workers. Disputes arouse between the applicant and respondent, the relevant one being the deduction of trade union dues through the check-off system by the respondent from its water employees and their... More

This is an appeal from the judgment of a magistrate sitting at Harare on 5 August 2010 in which she granted an order of eviction to the respondent against the appellant More

The appellants were convicted of contravening ss 89, 113 and 140 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23]. Each appellant was sentenced to a total of forty four months imprisonment of which twelve months were suspended on condition that they paid restitution to the complainant. This is an appeal against both conviction and sentence. More

The applicant applies for bail pending appeal. The applicant was found in possession of 1,35 grams of gold valued at US$49-69. He was a first offender who pleaded guilty to the offence. The State was not opposed to bail and conceded that the sentence imposed is harsh and did not support it. The court considers that the concession is not proper. The court is not bound by the concession of the State counsel and will only accede to such concession where it is properly made. The applicant was charged of possessing gold without a licence in terms of s 3(1)... More