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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The plaintiff claims a total sum US$14,875 being the balance due in respect of two batches of broiler chicks delivered to the defendant in October 2008 and February 2009. The defendant disputes the principal claim on several grounds and counterclaims damages in reconvention for the payment of US$9,331 in addition to set-off of the total amount claimed by the plaintiff More

This is an urgent chamber application. The interim relief sought is for the immediate liberation of the second applicant from the Harare Remand Prison on the basis that his detention is unlawful. More

The first applicant is a director of the second applicant company Daniel Technologies P/L. The first respondent is a company in the business of letting out properties. On or about July 2008 the parties concluded a written lease agreement in respect of premises situate at 14th Floor, North Wing, Cabs Centre Stand Number 736B corner Sam Nujoma and Jason Moyo Avenue Harare. The second applicant subsequently fell into arrears resulting in the parties concluding a deed of settlement on 15 October 2009.in the following terms: “1. The lessee shall settle US$12,627.09, which is part payment of the balance of its... More

In this urgent chamber application, the applicant seeks in the main the eviction of the first respondent and all those claiming through him from a certain piece of land known as plot 2, of subdivision A of Hunyani East, popularly known as Malaba Farm (“the farm”). More

In 1999 the applicant herein entered into an agreement of sale in terms of which he purchased an immovable property from the estate of the late Johanna Maria Fransisca Logan as represented by the executrix testamentary of the estate. The immovable property, described as Stand 382 Good Hope Township of Subdivision B of Good Hope, was transferred to the applicant in April 2007 by deed of transfer number 1597/2007. More

The plaintiff in this matter claims general damages for malicious arrest and detention as well as special damages in respect of his motor vehicle. His original claim was for a total sum of US$60,860 but this amount was reduced to US$20,600 at the trial. More

The applicant and first respondent are former spouses. The parties were married under customary law in 1996. Their marriage was blessed with two children but was apparently not registered. Their customary law union was purportedly dissolved in the Magistrates Court on 28 October 2010. The presiding magistrate in dissolving the customary law union indicated that as the value of the Property in question exceeded her monetary jurisdiction, she could not deal with the issue of the distribution of the immovable property. More