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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is a claim in delict for damages arising out of bodily injuries sustained as a result of a road traffic accident. The plaintiff issued summons against three defendants claiming payment of damages totalling US $ 71 051.00. Jupiter Insurance Company (Pvt) Ltd was cited as the 3rd defendant and is the defendants’ insurer. A settlement was reached between it and the plaintiff before the commencement of the trial. The defendants are the driver of the vehicle involved in the accident and its owner. More

On the 10th of June 2011 Appellant was suspended from duty on the ground that he had fraudulently generated three (3) journals namely:- - Morgan Zintec for $406.00 - Chitungwiza Hospital for $459.95 - Dudzai Primary School for $550.01 without supporting documentation. This was an act of misconduct in terms of Section 20 of Respondent’s Code of Conduct S.I. 148 of 2009 the penalty of which is a dismissal for a first breach. For committing the above act of misconduct (fraud) Appellant was found guilty by the Disciplinary Committee and was dismissed from Respondent’s employment. He noted appeals to the... More

This is an application for rescission of a judgment of this court entered in default in favour of the first respondent on 26 June 2008 in terms of which the eviction of the applicant and those claiming occupation through him from premises known as 1495 Chiwaridzo Township Bindura was ordered together with costs of suit. More

The appellant was convicted on 20 September 2010 of contravening section 65 of the Criminal Law Codification and Reform Act [Chapter 9:23]. He was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment of which three years were suspended on condition of good behaviour. More

The applicant and the first respondent are beneficiaries of the land reform programme having been allocated, by offer letters, neighbouring farms namely Subdivision 1A and B Angwa Farm in Makonde District of Mashonaland West Province occupied by the applicant and Subdivision 5 and 6 Angwa Farm occupied by the first respondent. More

This is an appeal against a judgement of the Magistrate court sitting at Harare in which the appellant’s claim for the eviction of respondent from stand 3357 New Mabvuku also known as 44 Mubanga Street New Mabvuku Harare was dismissed by the court a quo. More

The OK Grand Challenge Jackpot promotion has become an exciting annual national event to many Zimbabweans as it affords many lucky winners a rare opportunity to win various prices ranging from motor vehicles, residential stands and an assortment of other items. It is an event which is aggressively advertised both in the print and electronic media. More