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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application for summary judgment in which the applicant claims payment of the sums set out in the draft order which sums the first and second respondents acknowledged by acknowledgment of debt signed on 15 October 2010. More

This is an urgent application for a mandamus van spolie. The facts relied upon by the applicant are as follows: The applicant and the 1st respondent are acquaintances. Sometime in November 2011, the 1st respondent approached the applicant seeking help to find a buyer for her cement. The applicant facilitated an arrangement between the 1st respondent and an unidentified third party. The 1st respondent and the third party concluded their transaction. The 1st responded requested to use the applicant’s bank account for the deposit of the purchase price as she did not have a bank account of her own. The... More

This is an appeal by the Respondent bank against the decision of the N.E.C for the Banking Industry and Undertaking’s decision to reinstate the appellant to her original position with the bank. Appellant had been dismissed by the respondent on allegations of having contravened category D section 11 (1) of the Respondent’s code of conduct which read “any serious act, conduct or omission inconsistent with the fulfillment of the express or implied conditions of contract”. More

This is an application for review of the decision of the second Respondent who made an order in favour of the 1st Respondent in a case of an alleged unfair labour practice. The basic grounds of the review are that the 2nd Respondent in his capacity as an arbitrator in a matter between the 1st Respondent and one Wassi, erred by exceeding his jurisdiction when he substituted Wassi with the Applicant as the Respondent in the matter which was before him. He did so well knowing that the matter before him had been filed as a matter between Wassi and... More

The plaintiff has issued summons against the defendant wherein it claims payment of an amount of USD$24 256.65, interest on the stated sum at the prescribed rate and costs of suit. The background to the claim is briefly the following. More

The plaintiff in this matter claims the sum of US$1,465,555.91 together with varying rates of interest in respect of monies lent to an off-shore company for which the six defendants stood as sureties. More

The plaintiff husband issued summons out of this court on 17 December 2009 seeking a decree of divorce on the basis of irretrievable breakdown of marriage, division of matrimonial assets, an award of custody of the four minor children in favour of the defendant and that each party bears its own costs. More