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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This matter came as an appeal against the arbitrator’s award which ordered the reinstatement of the Respondent to his former position at work without loss of benefits, alternatively that the Appellant company was to pay him damages in lieu of reinstatement if it was of the view that reinstatement was no longer possible. The basic ground of appeal which was cited by the Appellant company was couched in the following words: ”The arbitrator failed to observe principles of natural justice as he conspicuously displayed bias against the applicant as he made a decision without calling parties to appear before him”... More

The plaintiff issued summons against the defendant claiming 52 811 kilogrammes of cotton or, in the alternative, payment of a sum of US$37 802 and interest thereon, together with costs of suit. The claim is in respect of bales of seed cotton allegedly taken by the defendant’s agents from the plaintiff’s collection depots at Chinhoyi, Chiredzi, Chipoli, Mash East, and Mukumbura. More

This is an urgent application for stay of execution. The applicant and the first respondent concluded a lease agreement in respect of premises situate at Number 4 Grant Street Kopje, Harare where the applicant runs a restaurant. More

This is a special plea raised by the first and second defendants against the plaintiff’s claim in case HC 7222/11. At the commencement of the application, the proceedings against the second defendant were by consent of all the parties stayed in terms of s 54 (2) of the Banking Act [Cap 24:20]; it having been placed under curatorship by the Central Bank on 11 June 2012. I proceeded to hear the first defendant’s special plea. More

The applicant was married to the late Edward Matambanadzo Chikudza in terms of the Marriages Act, [Cap 5:11]. The late Edward M Chikudza died intestate on 15 February 2008. His estate was duly registered in terms of the Administration of Estates Act [Cap 6:01] as DR309/08. More

The Appellant was employed as a bread transfer officer at the time of the offence; He was the Acting Supervisor. He collected 3 600 loaves of bread from Simon Mazorodze bakery for transfer to Lytton Road bakery. The van was later found to have 3 200 loaves of bread and the paperwork was altered to read 3 200 loaves. In addition, the Appellant did not complete his shift paper by appending his signature to the documents. More

This is a court application for an order directing the first Respondent to release to the Applicant a Toyota Corolla Motor Vehicle registration number AAV 2760 and the second Respondent to release the registration book of that vehicle which the second Respondent allegedly took from the Applicant ostensibly for purposes of verification of its authenticity. More