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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal from the decision of the Chief Designated Agent of the National Employment Council for Commercial Workers (NECCS). The facts of the matter are that the respondent was employed by the appellant as a security guard. At the material time he was responsible for checking that other guards reported for duty or were correctly recorded according to the work stations that they would be guarding. The said security guards are identified by means of numbers. More

This is an urgent application for an interdict to prevent the respondents from interfering with the applicant’s occupation and use of the immovable property at 76 Kaguvi Street, Harare. More

Plaintiff issued summons claiming the following relief; (a) That the agreement of sale be and is hereby cancelled. (b) That second defendant be compelled to transfer stand number 3437, Highfield, Harare, to plaintiff within seven days from the date of this order failing which the deputy sheriff or his lawful assistant be authorized to sign all transfer documents on behalf of second defendant. (c) That first and second defendants pay the costs of suit jointly and severally, the one paying the other to be absolved. More

When this matter came before me for Pre-trial conference on 31 July 2012, I gave directions to the plaintiff which are contained in the record. I also directed that the parties should hold a round table conference. More

The plaintiff and the defendant were joined in holy matrimony on 8 December 1996 at Harare in terms of the Marriages Act [Cap 5:11] of the Laws of Zimbabwe. They had however commenced living together as husband and wife in terms of customary law in 1985. They were both born and bred in Zimbabwe. They have lived in Zimbabwe all their lives and consider it their country of domicile. More

This is an appeal against an arbitration award. The terms of reference to the Arbitrator were whether:- - the Appellant’s dismissal was unlawful and - the employer calculated the leave days wrongly After considering Section 12 B(3)(b) of the Labour Act (CAP 28:01) and the parties contract of employment, the Arbitrator made the conclusion that Appellant’s claim was without merit. The findings were that:- (i) the Appellant’s contract of employment clearly spelt out that at the end of the contract no expectation of re-engagement was to be made. (ii) the Appellant did not state exactly who was engaged in his... More

The applicants are employees of the Public Service Commission (PSC) employed as either law officers or public prosecutors and assigned to the prosecution department of the Attorney-General’s Office. The applicants are also executive committee members of the Zimbabwe Law Officers Association (ZILOA), whose membership at a meeting held on 18 September 2011 resolved to embark on a work stoppage from 4 October, 2011 if certain grievances were not met by the PSC. The work stoppage did take place as resolved, and some of the applicants, as spokespersons of the association, gave media interviews on behalf of their membership during the... More