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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant approached the court with an application for bail pending appeal. The respondent (State) opposed the application. Both the applicant and respondent filed documents for and against bail respectively. They both further orally addressed the court. The court was inclined to agree with the respondent’s argument that the applicant was not a suitable candidate for bail pending appeal. More

The plaintiff is the first defendant’s wife. The second defendant is her husband’s young brother. The third defendant is a company with which the plaintiff and the first defendant used to do business. More

This is an appeal against a judgment by the Mutare Magistrates Court delivered on 12 May 2010. The Appellant appeals only against the award made in relation to immovable property. More

This is an application contemplated by s 350 of the Companies Act [Cap 24:03] for security of costs in the sum of US$20 000-00 filed on 7 September 2011. The applicant also seeks a stay of the main matter until such costs have been paid and costs of the present application. It arises from a letter written by the respondent’s legal practitioners on 9 May 2011 confirming that the respondent was a dormant company with no assets save for the property in dispute. More

This is an action for damages for breach of contract. This matter initially involved 3 defendants. The other two defendants, Rudzi Madhuru referred to as Ngwenya and Obediah Kazingizi ,(Kazingizi) are barred for failure to enter their pleas. More

This is an application for an order compelling the respondent to assess capital gains tax payable in respect of the sale of stand 965 Mabelreign Township Harare and to receive such tax from the Deputy Sheriff for Harare on the pain of costs of the application. The said property is currently registered in the name of a company known as Ellseck Investments ( Private) Ltd. More

The facts of this matter are generally common cause. Marsden Farm situated in the District of Chegutu was previously owned by Michael Hughes Mino and Shelly Diane Mino, through a company known as Marsden Farm Private Limited, which held title to the farm. More