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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The plaintiff’s claim is for payment of US$7456 being the outstanding balance for payment for goods sold and delivered to the defendant at the defendant’s request and US$720 being travelling and subsistence costs incurred by the plaintiff. In its declaration the plaintiff averred that sometime in December 2009 it entered into a contract with the defendant for the supply of 797 printed sports shorts at an agreed price of US$3 per item; 722 printed “T” shirts at US$7 per item and printed “O” and “A” level report books for a total cost of US$4 700. The total cost for all... More

On 28 March 2009, the first defendant who purported to be insured by the second defendant was involved in a road traffic accident that caused injuries to the plaintiffs and death to a teenage girl Sharon Beni. The plaintiffs issued summons out of this court on 31 October 2011 claiming delictual special and general damages against the defendants. The defendants contested the action. More

The plaintiff is a female adult. The first, second and third defendants were cited in their official capacities. On 17 December 2003 the plaintiff sued the defendants seeking payment of:- 1. Z$ 300 000 being damages for pain and suffering and 2. Z$250 000 being damages for contumelia. The plaintiff alleged that on 2 June 2003 she was part of a group of demonstrators which was marching from Highfields suburb towards the city of Harare. Along the way they were confronted by members of Zimbabwe National Army herein after referred to as ZNA. Commotion ensued and the plaintiff fell down... More

This is a delictual claim for delivery of a vehicleor alternatively payment of damages. At the beginning of the trial the plaintiff withdrew its claim against Kudzai Shaba. The dispute between the parties arises from the following brief facts.On 25 August 2008 Kudzai Shaba, acting as an agent of the first and second defendants sold to the plaintiff a Mercedes Benz C180, 2004 model. Sometime in February 2009 the plaintiff was arrested by the South African Police Service, SAPS, for possession of a suspectedstolen motor vehicle. The vehicle was impoundedand the plaintiff wascharged,convicted and fined for possession of the vehicle.... More

The application for bail pending appeal against both conviction and sentence was dismissed on the basis that the conviction was well sounded on evidence adduced before the court and that the trial court properly exercised its sentencing discrepancy and came up with an appropriate sentence in the circumstances. More

On 20 April 2012 the applicant filed an urgent chamber application seeking certain relief against the first, second and third, respondents. The matter was set down for hearing on 26 April 2012 at midday. On that day it was postponed to the next day to allow the first and second respondent to file their opposing papers. It was observed too that no service of the application had been effected on third respondent. The applicant undertook to rectify this failure to comply with the court’s directive. More

Subsequent to the conclusion of the hearing of this matter on 27 February 2012 it was brought to the court’s attention that immediately after adjoining the second and fifth defendants had initiated negotiations with a view to reaching a settlement with the plaintiff. Documents to this effect have been filed of record and indications are that the parties on their own could not reach a settlement although both the defendants unequivocally accepted liability of the amount of claim. More