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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
On 24 July 2008 the plaintiff issued out summons in this Court against the defendant seeking to compel the defendant to transfer stand number 623 Highway Chinhoyi into the plaintiff’s name and other ancillary relief. More

This is an application for the review of the taxing officer’s decision of 24 September 2010 in which she declined to consider the applicant’s costs incurred by the deputy sheriff in effecting an order of this court. More

The plaintiff and the defendant were customarily married to each other in 1980. They on 24 October 1989 solemnized their marriage in terms of the Marriage Act then ([Cap 37]now [Cap 5.11]). They were blessed with three children. Two of them are now adults. The youngest Nattle born on 24 February 1997, is the only minor child of the plaintiff and defendant’s marriage. More

The Applicant instituted summons action against the Respondent for payment of sums of US$18 968-92; ZAR 19 492-95; BWP 1 037-12 and GBP 128,55 together with attorney and client costs, in respect of its funds which went missing while under the custody of the Respondent who was the church Treasurer for its Parktown congregation. More

Throughout the 2nd term we have been setting this matter down for trial. On each occasion the plaintiff’s counsel has been unable to attend either because he was in the Supreme Court or was not feeling well. More

The applicant seeks the grant of a draft order in these terms: “IT IS ORDERED THAT: 1. The respondent be and is hereby ordered to vacate certain piece of land situate in the district of Salisbury called stand 174 Merwede Township of Lot 1 of Subdivision D of Merwede of Glaudina of Subdivision A of Gillinghan, Commonly known as Exor Service Station, Snake Park. 2. The respondent to pay costs of suit.” More

the defendant filed a special plea on 20 October 2008. The following facts constitute the basis of the special plea. More