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Court Judgements

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On 9th December 2010 the NEC Banking made a determination. In terms thereof it upheld an earlier ruling in terms of which Appellant was ordered to reinstate Respondent’s employment. Appellant then appealed to this Court against the NEC’s determination More

This matter was set down for pre-trial conference initially for 21 June 2012 and the parties given notice to attend the conference. The defendants did not file their pre-trial conference minutes and summary of evidence as required by the rules. However, on 21 June 2012 Mr Marume appeared on behalf of the defendants and indicated that he had been unable to file the documents because the defendants had been unco-operative. In fact all the defendants were not in attendance on that date. More

The appellant was employed by the respondent. He had grievances against the employer. The relevant NEC was approached. In a letter dated 30 September 2008 the appellant wrote to the relevant National Employment Council (NEC) along the following lines: “I hereby wish to submit my appeal for intervention by your good office in order to address my grievances. I am an employee of Pharmanova (Pvt) Ltd initially employed as a bookkeeper up to September 2005. I was transferred to the maintenance department to work as a logistics officer in order to avoid retrenchment. A position they regarded as low level... More

The plaintiff and defendant were married to each other in terms of the Marriages Act, [Cap 5:11] at Harare on 19 August 2002. Their marriage still subsists. Prior to that date they had been living together as husband and wife in terms of customary law since 1995. More

The plaintiff and defendant who are wife and husband respectively are Zimbabwean citizens and domiciled in Zimbabwe. They however married each other in Zambia on 21 November 1967 under the provisions of the Marriage Ordinance, Zambia. This court has jurisdiction to deal with the divorce proceedings instituted by the plaintiff. More

The plaintiff claims from the defendants jointly and severally the one paying the other to be absolved, the sum of US$98 239-64. The plaintiff claims that during the period extending from 20 August 2009 to 30 September 2010, it sold and delivered goods worth US$98 239-64 to the first defendant. It claims that on 11 August 2010 the second defendant bound itself jointly and severally as a surety in solidum and co-principal debtor with the first defendant to repay, on demand by the plaintiff, all sums of money that were outstanding as at that date or became due and payable... More

Most issues relevant for the determination of this case are by and large common cause. The undisputed facts are that the first applicant Nyasha Chikwinya was allocated 84,027 hectares of State land at Pilgrims Rest Farm in the township of Hatcliffe situate in the district of Salisbury by the Government of Zimbabwe under the lawful authority of the third respondent being the Ministry of Local Government Rural and Urban Development. The applicant was given the land as compensation of land she had lost at the behest of the Ministry as duly confirmed by its permanent secretary Mr Shawatu. More