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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The plaintiff is a company with limited liability duly registered in accordance with the laws of South Africa. It has sued the defendants for the payment of various sums of money which it alleges are due to it arising from the supply by it, the plaintiff to an entity called Superbake, with which the defendants are all alleged to be connected to. The suit is defended, not because the debt is denied, but because the defendants have placed liability for the payment of the debt on the shoulders of the fourth defendant, which entity the plaintiff denies ever having contracted... More

This is an application to set aside a judicial sale in terms of Rule 359 of the High Court of Zimbabwe Rules, 1971. The applicant is the judgment debtor, his property was attached and sold in execution. The applicant seeks to set aside an agreement of sale entered into between the first respondent, the seller of the property in issue who is the Sheriff of the High Court of Zimbabwe and the authority charged with conducting judicial sales in execution, (the Sheriff) and the third respondent. The third respondent is the buyer of the property whilst the fourth respondent is... More

There have been a number of developments in this case from the time of summons commencing action up to the time this matter was eventually heard on 26 September 2012. More

In March, 2008 the plaintiff and the defendant concluded an agreement in terms of which the plaintiff paid Z$2 750 000 000 000 (two trillion seven hundred and fifty billion dollars) for 2 200 x 195R14 brand new tyres which the defendant allegedly agreed to deliver by 2 March, 2008. To date, the defendant has only delivered 200 tyres leaving a balance of 2000 tyres. The current market value of the tyres is pegged at US$100 per tyre. In the event the plaintiff is claiming delivery of the outstanding tyres, alternatively US$200 000-00 representing the current market value of the... More

The plaintiff’s claim against the defendant is for specific performance in the form of delivery of 2000 x 195 R 14 inch tyres within fourteen days of date of judgment, alternatively payment of US$2000 000-00 being the estimated value of the tyres at US$100-00 each. Interest on the above sum and costs of suit are also claimed. More

This is an appeal against the judgment of the Goromonzi Magistrate Court delivered on 4 June 2010. The appellants appeal against the entire judgment in which the order sought by the appellants in the court a quo was not granted. More

December 2011 the applicant filed an application in this court under case No HC 12336/11 seeking a prohibitory interdict against the respondents. The remedy sought was to prevent the respondents from moving or accepting any motion from any member of the House of Assembly to dismiss the applicant without the matter of his dismissal first being brought before the Committee on Standing Rules and Orders (CSRO) or its sub committee or other independent and impartial disciplinary authority. More