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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an opposed application for rescission of an order of divorce granted by this court on 19 May 2011 in case No. HC 3037/10. More

The applicant sought an order confirming the provisional order which incidentally I granted on an urgent basis on 26 June 2012. More

This is an appeal against the judgment by the Gweru magistrates court delivered on 28 June 2011. The magistrates court dismissed appellant’s application for variation (downward) of a maintenance order passed by the Harare magistrates court on 31 June 2010 in which appellant was ordered to pay $US240,00 per month as maintenance for the two minor children in addition to payment of school fees, purchase of school uniforms and casual wear. More

The applicants filed two applications, one for condonation of late filing of an application for rescission of judgment and the other for rescission of judgment. The court, for expediency and in exercising its discretion conferred to it, in terms of r 4C of the High Court Rules, 1971, directed that the applications be argued one after the other and indicated that the judgements in the matters would be dealt with in one judgement. For ease of reference, the court will refer to the first application as “the application for condonation’’ and the second as “the application for rescission”. More

The applicant employed the respondent as its Group Audit Manager. In that capacity she enjoyed the benefit of the use of a company motor vehicle, a Mazda Familiar, registration number AAM 7769 (“the vehicle”). The vehicle remained the property of the applicant. More

On 7 August 2007, the plaintiff issued summons against the defendant claiming: (a) Payment of the sum of US$763 068-00 being the balance due and payable by the defendant to the plaintiff in respect of buses sold and delivered to the defendant by the plaintiff at the defendant’s special instance and request which, despite demand, the defendant has failed and or neglected to pay to the plaintiff. (b) Interest on the sum of US$763 068-00 at the rate prevailing from time to time in the Supreme Court of the United States of America with effect from 22 August 2004 to... More

The applicant lodged this application against the respondents in his capacity as a citizen and consumer of electricity in Zimbabwe. In his application he seeks the nullification and setting aside of the appointments of third to eighth respondents as Board members of the Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory authority and thereafter an order directing the first respondent to make the necessary arrangements to appoint a new board of suitably qualified persons. He also seeks an order interdicting third to eighth respondents from performing or exercising any powers as Board members. More