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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant purchased a certain piece of undeveloped immovable property known as Stand 1145 Hilton of Subdivision A of Waterfalls from the first respondent. The full purchase price has been paid to a firm of lawyers and the applicant is awaiting transfer. The applicant has since sued the respondent for specific performance seeking transfer under case number HC 3885/12. More

The respondent was an employee of the applicant. On 30 January, 2009 the parties concluded a mutual agreement to terminate the respondent’s contract of employment. More

This is contractual a claim for a debt and interest arising therefrom. The plaintiff sold various electrical goods to the defendanton credit. The defendant fell into arrears amounting to $22968-00.On 5 May 2010 the defendant’s erstwhile managing director signed a final demand agreeing to interest being charged on the overdue account at 4% per month. The plaintiff commenced charging interest on the outstanding amount and payments made were appropriated first to interest and then to the capital amount. At the time of trial, the amount claimed was $12162-00.This figure was revised down to $11 751-00 following adjustments to the account. More

Applicant was arrested on allegations of murder. Since this is a scheduled offence for which the Magistrates Court lacks jurisdiction, he applied for bail before this court. More

In downtown Harare is located 4 adjoining pieces of land known as subdivision A of stand 1499 Salisbury Township measuring 299 square metres, the remainder of stand 1499 Salisbury Township measuring 297 square metres, stand 1500 Salisbury Township measuring 595 square metres and stand 1498 Salisbury Township measuring 595 square metres. Those properties are currently held by M. Peters Agencies (Private) Limited, the forth defendant in this matter, by Deed of Transfer No. 239/11 Physically they are stands 129 to 135 Mbuya Nehanda Street Harare. More

On 13 March 2012 the applicant filed an application in this court seeking the following relief:- “It is ordered that;- 1. The security bond held in favour of the first respondent by the second respondent in the name of the applicant dated 1 October 2010 is hereby declared to be of no force or effect. 2. The second respondent shall upon being served with a copy of this order, immediately pay to the applicant $220 000 (two hundred and twenty united states dollars) being the amount the second respondent held back in lieu of cashing the performance bond. 3. The... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the designated authority which upheld the Appellant’s dismissal at his workplace. The basic facts of the case are that Appellant was dismissed on 22/07/2011 following a hearing into allegations that he had contravened section (4) (h) of Statutory Instrument 165/92 (gross incompetence inefficiency in the performance of his work) The charges in question arose from the fact that certain bearings which had been under his care and custody had been discovered to be missing following a stock take by his superiors. Further to that various other items which were also kept at... More