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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is a dispute concerning the sale and transfer of a flat in Josiah Chinamano Avenue, Harare. The applicant has been the sitting tenant of the flat for many years. The 1st respondent purchased the flat from one Chiwara in July 2009 and acquired its ownership shares from the 2nd respondent in January 2010. He sought vacant possession but this was refused by the applicant. He eventually obtained an ejectment certificate which was registered with the Magistrates Court in August 2011. This registration is the subject of an appeal by the applicant lodged in September 2011 and pending before this... More

This is an application for bail pending determination of the applicant’s appeal against both conviction and sentence. The applicant made an application for bail pending appeal before the trial Magistrate after his conviction and sentence. The application was dismissed. More

In this application, the applicant seeks the following relief:- “IT IS DECLARED THAT: 1. The Applicant is a citizen of Zimbabwe by birth in terms of s 5(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe. 2. The order issued in terms of s 14(1) (g) of the Immigration Act [Cap 4: 02] signed by the then Minister of Home Affairs on 16 December 2005 deeming the applicant to be an undesirable inhabitant or visitor to Zimbabwe is unlawful and of no force and effect. 3 The provisions of s 9(7) of the Citizenship of Zimbabwe Act [Cap 4:01] are ultra vires the... More

This is an application for bail pending trial which was only filed on 15 March 2012 when the applicant and his co-accused were arrested on 12 September 2010. The applicant says he once filed a bail application but withdrew it. More

: The application before the courts for Bail pending Trial. The brief history of the matter of necessity has to be highlighted. The applicants were indicated for trial before this court and their trial was set to commence on 30 July 2012 under case HC 115/2012. On 30 July 2012 the trial did not kick off as the applicants and the state had sought to discuss a statement of agreed facts on a possible plea of culpable homicide. On 01 August 2012 the state withdraw charges in respect of the applicant’s co accused. Relying on a statement of agreed facts... More

The applicant is a qualified legal practitioner. She is with the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights. On 7 June, 2012 she was driving her Mazda 626 Familia motor vehicle registration number ABF 8666 en route to a business meeting. She was stopped by the police at a roadblock along Robert Mugabe Road near Rhodesville Police Station. The motor vehicle had no current licence disc as required in terms of the Vehicle Registration and Licensing Act, [Cap 13:14], (the Act) the previous licence having expired on 31 May, 2012. More

applicant seeks an order of specific performance in the following terms: (a) That the first respondent be and is hereby ordered to manufacture, assembled and deliver to the applicant a 1 x 45 Lowbed Trailer in accordance with the specifications set out in its quotation of 4 March 2008; (b) That the first respondent be and is hereby ordered to deliver the 1 x 45 Lowbed trailer to the applicant within 10 weeks or 70 days of the granting of this order. (c) Cost of suit. More