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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against the decision of the Chitungwiza magistrate handed down on 25 March 2009, awarding the appellant 15% of the value of the immovable property acquired by the parties during the subsistence of their four year unregistered customary law marriage. More

The accused is alleged to have stabbed his wife to death with a kitchen knife after having accused her of infidelity. He thereafter attempted to commit suicide by stabbing himself with the murder weapon. More

In this matter the applicant seeks a spoliation order against the respondent in respect of a Mazda Familia motor vehicle registration number ABD 8958 alleging that he was, until 12 June 2012, in possession of the said motor vehicle. On that date, the respondent dispossessed him of the vehicle using wrongful means. More

This is an urgent application in which the applicant seeks a provisional order in the following terms More

The plaintiff sued, the defendant by summons action for 2 claims arising out of 2 separate agreements allegedly entered into between the parties about year 2000. The first claim was for payment of a sum of $420 000-00 in Zimbabwean currency withheld by the defendant as penalty at the termination of a Pension Fund Administration Mandate given to the defendant and, related to that, payment of the sum of $83 127 870 000-00 as damages arising out of the penalty levied by the defendant for the termination of the mandate aforesaid. More

On 20 March 2012 the applicant obtained an interim order under case number HC 2350/12 directing the first to fourth respondents to restore him to his quiet and undisturbed possession of Plot 4 Sun Valley Borrowdale, Harare also known as Welson Valley. Aggrieved by the said Order the first and second respondents appealed against the order on the same day. More

On 27 February 2012 the applicant filed a court application in terms of r 233(3) against the respondent seeking to evict it from number 29 Craster Road, Southerton, Harare. The application was served on the respondent on 28 February 2012. In terms of the rules of court the respondent had ten days within which to respond. The dies inducae expired on 13 March without any response from the respondent. The respondent however filed its notice of opposition a day later on 14 March 2012. More