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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
On 28 February, 2011 I wrote the following review query to the trial provincial magistrate Wochiunga esq. who was then stationed at Harare Magistrates Court: “These proceedings are redolent with irregularities. More

It is a paradox that tragedy can befall a Christian couple on their way to church in such an unexpected way as happened in the present case. The accused pleaded not guilty to the murder of his wife. The incident took place on 31 May 2011 at Chingwaru village, Chief Masembura, Bindura. More

The accused pleaded not guilty to firstly a charge of murder as defined in section 47 of the Criminal Codification Reform Act in which it is alleged that on the 23rd of September 2011 at Chiadzwa Diamond Base, Marange, the accused with intent to kill or realizing that there was real risk or possibility that death may occur assaulted Tsorosai Kusena with several sticks all over his body thereby inflicting injuries from which the said Tsorosai Kusena died. Secondly, the accused pleaded not guilty to three charges of assault, as defined in section 89 of the Criminal Law Codification Reform... More

The accused persons were convicted of stock theft in contravention of s 114 of the Criminal Law Code [Cap 9:03] by the magistrates court sitting at Chinhoyi. The first accused person having been convicted in terms of s 114 (2) (d) was sentenced in terms of para (f) of subs (2) of s 114 to a fine of $400.00 or in default of payment, 4 months imprisonment. In addition he was given a wholly suspended prison term of 10 months. More

When submissions were made by both counsels on the preliminary points raised by the first Respondent, The Applicant’s counsel expressed the view that I probably had not followed the gist of the Applicant’s position. I want to assure counsel that I was quite alive to the submissions he made that in his perception the judgment debtor does not exist having lost its identity after the dissolution of TH Zimbabwe (Private) Limited in 2002, Hastt Incorporation (Zimbabwe) (Pvt) Limited, BMA Fasteners (Private) Limited & Tube and Pipe Industries (Private) Limited. It was on the ashes of these companies that the Applicant... More

This is an urgent chamber application for a provisional order whose interim relief sought is couched as follows More

This is an urgent application for provisional relief staying execution of a judgment of this court granted on 26 March 2012 pending the hearing of a rescission of judgment application which has been filed by the applicant. More