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Court Judgements

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The applicant is an Ethiopian national who hails from Southern Ethiopia and speaks the haeye language spoken in that part of Ethiopia. He says he arrived in Zimbabwe via Nyamapanda border post in September 2011 seeking political asylum and was taken to Tongogara Refugee Camp where he has remained until his recent arrest and incarceration at Mutare prison. More

The applicants approached the court in chambers by way of urgent chamber application. Basing on the documents filed of record in particular the certificate of urgency the court set the matter down so as to be addressed. On the date of hearing the 29/3/12 the court was served with opposing documents by the respondent at almost time of hearing, for expedience the court requested both counsel for the applicant Mr Sakutukwa and Mr Chivore for the respondent to address the court on urgency and merits. It was clearly spelt out to the parties in the event that the Court made... More

The plaintiff in this case seeks the delivery of two new Toyota Hilux IMV motor vehicles in terms of an agreement of sale between the parties. In the alternative, it claims damages for breach of contract based on the current market value of the vehicles in the sum of US$107,825.15. The defendant denies having entered into any agreement of sale and avers that the plaintiff engaged the defendant as its agent in sourcing the vehicles from third party suppliers. More

: The plaintiff and the defendant were joined in holy matrimony on 21 November 2004 at Harare in terms of the Marriages Act [Cap 5:11].Their marriage still subsists. Their marriage was blessed with one minor child born on 18 May 2001. More

This is an opposed application in which the third defendant took out an exception to the plaintiff’s claim in terms of Order 21 r 137(1)(b) of the High Court Rules 1971 (hereinafter the rules). The application is opposed by the plaintiff only. Mr Deme for the first defendant declined to make submissions in the matter. More

This is an application for rescission of judgment that was entered against the applicants and in favour of the respondent on 19 May 2011 in HC 8604/10. More

This is an application for eviction. The applicant prays for an order in the following terms; “1. That the respondent, its agents and anyone claiming rights through him are hereby immediately and forthwith evicted from stand No 17024 of stand 16969, Harare Township, situate in the district of Salisbury. 2. That the Deputy Sheriff is hereby authorised to evict the respondent and anyone claiming rights through him from the said premises. 3. That the respondent pays costs on the Law Society Tariff.” More