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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This case has been triggered by the developments in a case involving the respondent in the Magistrates Court which was heard and concluded in favour of the respondent on 11 October 2011. The lower court case bears reference number MC 16435/11. More

This is an application for stay of execution of orders of the Magistrates Court in case No. 255/12 dated 9 and 23 February 2012. The background to the application is that on 5 January 2012, the applicant filed an application seeking the ejectment of the respondents from No. 144 Nelson Mandela Avenue, Harare (the premises). The applicant alleged in the application that it is in occupation of No 142/4 Nelson Mandela Avenue, Harare pursuant to a lease agreement with a company called Zeolite Investments (Pvt) Ltd dated 22 March 2011. Prior to the conclusion of the lease agreement, the premises... More

The respondent instituted proceedings against the applicant in case No. HC 1534/11 seeking payment of the sum of US$47 059,80 for household goods sold and delivered to the applicant on credit. The applicant duly entered appearance to defend the claim prompting the respondent herein to make an application for summary judgment in case No HC 2474/11 on the basis that the applicant had not a bona fide defence to the claim. More

In the instant case the applicant seeks the following order as per the draft order: More

This application involves a long-standing dispute over the control of Glencairn Mine, Kadoma (the Mine). The 4th applicant and the 1st and 2nd respondents are shareholders in the 3rd applicant which owns the Mine at the centre of the dispute. More

This is an appeal from a decision of the Chief Executive Officer of Respondent dismissing Appellant from employment. Appellant was dismissed after having been found guilty of gross incompetence and neglect of duty in violation of item 3 section C to Annexure 11 of Respondent’s Code of Conduct More

The applicants in this matter seek an order in the following terms: 1. That first respondent be and is hereby barred from disposing of and effecting transfer of house No 16036, 6th Street, Sunningdale 2, Harare. 2. That fourth respondent be and is hereby ordered not to effect any transfer of House No 16036, 6th Street, Sunningdale 2, Harare. 3. That House No 16036, 6th Street Sunningdale 2 Harare be and is hereby registered in the names of Sydney Mutara, Christine Mutara and Solomon Mutara in equal shares or; 4. Alternatively: That house no 6118 St Marys’ Chitungwiza and Stand... More