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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This case is founded upon the declaration which was filed by the plaintiff in this court on 25 June 2005 and whose relevant contents can be restated as follows:- On or about March 1999 the plaintiff and the first defendant entered into an agreement in two parts. The first part was that the parties would jointly purchase property known as the Remainder of Cherutombo, Marondera from Dulys (Private) Limited with the plaintiff paying 1/3 and the first defendant 2/3 of the price that was to be set by Dulys (Private) Limited. More

This is again another application which raises the issue of guardianship rights and the circumstances under which a parent may be divested of such rights. The application was initially allocated to CHATUKUTA J who raised a query with the legal practitioner on 28 December 2010. When this query was not responded to, she then referred the matter to the Family Court Division of the High Court on 18 October 2011. On receipt of the chamber application I then requested the Registrar to invite the applicant’s legal practitioner to come in so that I could discuss his application with him as... More

On 12 June 2007 the applicant was issued with an offer letter under the Land reform and Resettlement Programme (Model A2 Phase II) authorizing him to lawfully hold, occupy and use the whole of subdivision 8 of Welston in Harare in the District of Mashonaland East Province approximately 42.07 hectares in extent. The applicant has since taken occupation of that land on the strength of the offer letter. More

This is a simple application for rescission of judgment obtained against the applicant by the first respondent in this court in case no HC 8216/11. The law is clear and settled. The starting point in considering such an application is for the court to consider the reasons for the applicant’s default paving way for the granting of the default judgment. If this hurdle is not satisfied, the matter must end here. It is only when the court accepts that the default has some reasonableness in it that the court will then proceed to consider whether or not the applicant has... More

This is an urgent chamber application wherein the applicants pray for a provisional order in the following terms: “TERMS OF FINAL ORDER SOUGHT: That you show cause to this Honourable Court why a final order should not be made in the following terms: 1. The terms and conditions which applied to the Applicants at the time of their admission be and are hereby declared to be binding on the Respondent. 2. The regulatory framework imposed on the Applicants on 22 August 2012 be and is hereby declared a nullity. 3. The resolution of the meeting of 7 August 2012 be... More

For quite some time now the ownership of stand number 1150 Budiriro I Township, Harare (“the property”), has been immersed in controversy. The plaintiff alleged that he bought the property through Staset Property Maintenance and Service (“the estate agents”), who were the agents of the defendant. On the other hand the defendant denied the alleged sale, let alone knowing the estate agents in question. More

In this matter the applicant seeks an order quashing his conviction on a charge of rape and a further order setting aside the sentence of 10 years imprisonment imposed upon him following the said conviction in the court of the Regional Magistrate, sitting at Bindura on 4 June 2008. More