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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The accused was convicted, on her own plea of guilty, of contravening s 3 (1)(a) as read with s 4(1) of the Domestic Violence Act [Cap 5:16]. She was sentenced to 20 months imprisonment of which 6 months imprisonment were suspended on the usual conditions of good behaviour. The remainder were suspended on condition the accused performs community service. More

The appellant was arraigned before the magistrate on a charge of theft of trust property as defined in section 113(2) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act. He pleaded not guilty but was convicted after a trial and sentenced to 6 months imprisonment of which 3 months imprisonment was suspended on condition of future good conduct. The remaining 3 months imprisonment was suspended on condition of restitution. More

The deceased was nine years old at the time he met his death. He was the accussed’s biological son and a grade 2 pupil at Muraba primary school under Chief Muketi in Mwenezi district. The accused was a school teacher at the same school. The State’s allegations as can be gleaned from the summary is that on 28 of June 2009 the accused went with the deceased to the river to take a bath and to do some laundry. Whilst at the river the accused person started assaulting the deceased alleging that he had failed to comply with his instructions.... More

This matter has taken an unusually long period of time to be concluded. It has been a long walk to justice on the part of the accused person and all those involved. Having been convicted of having committed the crime of murder with actual intend by my brother Judge BLACKIE J on 16 July 2002, we were only able to reconvene on 16 November 2010 to deal with the existence or non-existence of extenuating circumstances before sentencing the accused person. More

The accused is charged with murder. She is alleged to have set her husband alight on 20 September 2009. On that fateful night the deceased got home drunk and proceeded to fall asleep. While he was fast asleep the accused set him alight thereby causing him fatal burns from which he died on 23 September 2009. The post mortem report confirmed death was due to respiratory failure due to the 85% degree burns which he sustained. More

At the inception of this matter, in August 2011, there were four accused persons charged with one count of unlawful entry in aggravating circumstances. The first accused (Guzha) pleaded guilty, while the second accused (Nhema) pleaded guilty and then appears to have changed his plea to one of not guilty. The third and fourth accuseds (Chikochi and Masiiwa) pleaded guilty and were separated for trial. More

The Senior Regional Magistrate for Masvingo Province has referred this matter to the Registrar for guidance on the following facts. The accused was convicted of assault on his plea of guilty. The charge arose from a misunderstanding between the complainant and the accused, who was drunk at the time. In the ensuing fist fight, the accused struck the complainant on the head with a stone. As appears from the medical report produced in evidence, the complainant sustained a 5cm long and 2cm deep scalp laceration thereby exposing a fractured skull. According to the examining doctor, the force used on the... More