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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The respondent was served with the applicant’s heads of argument on 13 February 2012. In terms of r 238 (2a) of the High Court of Zimbabwe, Rules 1971, the respondent was required to file its own heads of argument within fourteen days after delivery of the applicant’s heads of argument upon it. More

In this application the applicant seeks relief in the form of a declaratur to the effect that the Road Traffic (Construction and Equipment Use) Regulations 2010 (Statutory Instrument 154 of 2010) (“the Regulations”) and the amendments thereto are invalid, null and void or alternatively, that s 10(2) of the Regulations is ultra vires the Road Traffic Act [Cap 13:11] (“the RTA”) and therefore null and void. More

The applicant approached this court in terms of s 98(14) of the Labour Act [Cap 28:01] the Act seeking the registration of an arbitral award. More

The facts of this matter make very sad reading. In addition to that, the manner in which this matter was handled resulting in such an inordinate delay to bring it to finality compounds the problem. More

On 29 May 2011 members of the Movement for Democratic Party (MDC) convened a gathering at Glenview One Shopping Centre. The gathering later matched to Glenview 4 Shopping Centre at around mid-day where the group was peacefully dispersed by the police. Despite having been dispersed by the police the group is alleged to have relocated to Glenview 3 Shopping Centre where the group of youths again gathered at Munyarari Night Club. They were allegedly ferried to that venue by Norman Marega Chikura using a Mazda B1800 motor vehicle. More

The following facts appear to be not in dispute in this matter. The two respondents were employed by the applicant as research fellows and were based at the Institute of Development Studies. Sometime in 2010 the applicant and the two respondents had an employment dispute which culminated in the subsequent dismissal of the two respondents. More

The applicant has approached this court on a certificate of urgency seeking the following relief:- “TERMS OF FINAL ORDER SOUGHT That you show cause to this Honourable Court why a final order should not be made in the following terms: 1. The first and the second respondent(s) be and are hereby ordered to release the applicant’s files and records. More