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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is a claim by the plaintiff against the defendant for ZAR 17 353-00 for the repair between 19 and 30 December 2008 of two fuel pumps. The plaintiff also seeks interest at the prescribed rate from 27 January 2010 to the date of payment in full. In the pleadings the plaintiff sought costs on the ordinary scale but in his oral submissions Mr Morris, for the plaintiff, applied for punitive costs. The defendant disputed the entire debt. More

This matter was placed before me through the Chamber Book on 25 January 2012. After I perused the papers I directed that the matter be set down for hearing the next day. On this day the parties addressed me on the issue of urgency. I found the matter to be urgent and the respondents asked for more time to prepare and file their opposing papers which indulgence was granted. The hearing was postponed to 31 January 2012. More

On 29 December 2009 the plaintiff herein issued summons against the two defendants wherein it sought payment against them, jointly and severally, for the following: a) US $247 143.21, b) US$33 088.88 being accrued interest on the said sum of US$ up to 30th November 2009 and c) further interest on the said capital sum of US$247 143.21 at 5% per annum with effect from 1 December 2009 until date of payment. More

The plaintiff in this case issued summons claiming US$78 000.00 against the two defendants jointly and severally the one paying the other to be absolved on 1 June, 2010. The cause of action, as gleaned from the plaintiff’s declaration, is premised on the fact that the second defendant ( a farm guard), acting within the course and scope of his employment with the first defendant, “wrongfully and unlawfully pointed and discharged a firearm at the plaintiff” at Debshan Ranch, Gweru, on 26 April 2008. As a result of second defendant’s wrongful and unlawful conduct the plaintiff sustained injuries, pain, shock... More

: The applicant seeks confirmation of the provisional order granted by KARWI J on 18 July 2011. The terms of the final order sought and the interim relief granted were set out thus: More

On 1 June 2012 I granted an order registering an arbitral award granted on 29 March 2012 in favour of the applicant as an order of this court. The grant of the order followed an application filed through the chamber book on 11 April 2012. Upon perusal of the papers, I was not satisfied the provisions of s 98(13) of the Labour Act, [Cap 28:01] (“the Act”), had been complied with. More

On 8 September 2011 after hearing the application for the upliftment of the bar by Mr Nyamasoka for and on behalf of the applicant, (Cairns Food Limited) I dismissed the application. I have been asked to furnish the reasons for that dismissal More