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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The accused was convicted on his own plea of guilty to theft as defined in s 113 of the Criminal Law (Codification & Reform) Act, [Cap 9:23] involving property worth US$70, 00. He was sentenced to 10 months imprisonment of which 4 months imprisonment was suspended for 5 years on appropriate conditions. The learned scrutinising Regional Magistrate before whom the record of proceedings was placed took the view that the sentence imposed on the young first offender whom had pleaded guilty after his loot was fully recovered was unduly harsh. He withheld his certificate and referred the record to the... More

The trial magistrate convicted the accused in this case for robbery as defined in section 126 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Cap9:23]. He sentenced the accused to 16 years imprisonment of which 4 years imprisonment were suspended on condition that the accused makes restitution through the clerk of court in favour of the complainant before a specified date. The trial magistrate thereafter realised that in passing the sentence, he had exceeded his sentencing jurisdiction set out in the Magistrates Court Act, [Cap 7: 10]. He then addressed correspondence to the registrar of this court in the following... More

The accused stands charged with contravening s 47 (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Chapter 9:23]. The indictment alleges- More

This case typifies the relentless enmity that appears to have evolved between Police officers and commuter omnibus crews. The accused pleaded not guilty to contravening s 47 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23]. The charge alleges that- More

The two accused persons are jointly charged with murder. They are alleged to have killed the 28 year old Given Dandajena , a secondary school teacher at a local school, on 31 July 2010 at Sekanevamwe bottle store, Kapondoro business centre in Mutoko by kicking him with booted feet several times on the head and all over his body. They denied the charge. More

The application was placed before me as a Chamber Application for an order compelling the Respondent to release to the Applicant the documents and determination relating to Applicant’s disciplinary case failing which the Respondent was to be ordered to reinstate the Applicant. In the event of reinstatement being no longer an option, the Respondent was to in the alternative pay Applicant damages in lieu of reinstatement. More

This is an application for Stay of Execution of an arbitral award in favour of the 1st Respondent pending the hearing of an appeal filed in this Court. The award was issued in April 2013. The Applicant was ordered to pay 1st Respondent a total of $7 694,00. More