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Court Judgements

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The accused was arraigned before this court on allegations of contravening s 174 (1) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23], that is to say, criminal abuse of duty as a public officer. In brief, the accused who was employed by the Municipality of Chitungwiza as a Director of Housing, Education and Community Services is alleged to have corruptly allocated various stands situate at the Town Centre in Chitungwiza for lease to individuals and organisations for commercial purposes without obtaining Council Resolutions, and without advertising such leases as required in terms of s 152 (2) of the... More

This is an application for the discharge of the accused at the close of the State Case in terms of s 198 of the Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act [Cap 9:07]. The accused stands charged with one count of fraud and another count of contravening s 5(1)(a)(1) of the Exchange Control Act [Cap 22:05] as read with s 4(1)(a) (ii) of the Exchange Control Regulations, 1996(S.I. 109 of 96).It is alleged in the first count that, between 1 February 2001 and 9 November 2002, the accused unlawfully and with intent to defraud, obtainedfrom one Yakub Ibrahim Mohammed (Mohammed) an amount... More

The accused stands convicted on his own plea of guilty to a charge of culpable homicide. He initially pleaded not guilty to a charge of murder that was later reduced to the lesser charge of culpable homicide with the consent of the State. More

The accused, a 36 year old father is alleged to have raped his 5 year old daughter on an unknown date sometime in December 2003. This is alleged to have taken place at accused’s home at Muchatisi Village under Chief Tandi in Rusape. The allegations were that the accused called the complainant into his bedroom in the afternoon and beat her up before sending her to go and fetch some water. When she came back to his bedroom he ravished her. He fled from the area and was arrested during the month of August 2010. More

The accused was charged of contravening s 47 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23]. It was alleged that on 17 June 2007 and at Kadenge Business Centre, Mushonga Ward in Murewa, he fatally stabbed one Paul Ndombo (the deceased). More

The accused is charged with the murder of Vengai Mabika. The incident took place on 1 March 2012 at house number 1577 Lusaka, Highfield in Harare where the accused resided. More

The records of proceedings of these 7 cases were placed before me for review in terms of section 29 (4) of the High Court Act [Cap 7:06]. The sentence imposed in each case is not subject to automatic scrutiny or review. The Provincial Magistrate Mutare, picked them up during Criminal Record Book checks. The sentences imposed follow a disturbing pattern. A uniform sentence was imposed for cases whose circumstances, seriousness, mitigatory and aggravatory factors vary so greatly that it is inconceivable that they could be punishable by the imposition of the same sentence. More