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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The accused persons are charged with murder of a policeman in the course of duty on 29 May 2011. This has been a protracted trial fraught with applications and counter applications. The state has now applied for a two week postponement of the trial to facilitate the calling of an expert witness, a foreign doctor who conducted the post-mortem on the remains of the deceased. There are certain protocols and procedures that have to be fulfilled before the foreign doctor can testify before our local courts.The long and short of it all is that he can only testify with the... More

The accused persons stand charged with murder as defined in s 47 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap. 9:23]. In the alternative or concurrently they are charged with public violence as defined in s 36 of the Act. This seemingly unending marathon trial has now entered the home stretch to the relief of everyone concerned following the closure of the state case. More

The appellant was charged with the common law crime of sodomy. Hepleaded not guilty but was convicted after a trial by the Regional Magistrate for the Eastern Division sitting at Harare. He was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment of which 2 years imprisonment was suspended for 5 years on condition of future good conduct. More

The Provincial Magistrate Harare Province referred this matter to me under cover of the minute dated 28 February 2012 with the following comments: More

This case epitomises the unpredictable nature of youth. The accused is charged with contravening s 47 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23]. The charge reads as follows: More

The record of uncompleted criminal proceedings in State v Fannuel Mpofu CRB 19/07 was placed before me with the following comments from the presiding trial magistrate:- “ THE STATE v FANNUEL MPOFU: ATTEMPTED MURDER: GOKWE REGIONAL CRB 19/2007 More

Theaccusedwas charged with theft of trust property as defined in s 113 (2) (d) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23]. She pleaded guilty and was convicted on her own plea. She was sentenced to 6 months imprisonment of which 4 months were suspended on condition of good behaviour. The remaining 2 months were suspended on condition she paid restitution to the complainant in the sum of US$48.00 by 24 August 2012. More