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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application for a default judgment. My brother judge, BHUNU J, and I raised a query. We felt the claim did not disclose a cause of action. The Plaintiff is in effect claiming specific performance yet, by his own admission, he was in breach of his side of the contract. More

This an application for the confirmation of a provisional order, granted on 23 February 2011, for the winding up of the 1st and 2nd respondents (the respondents). The latter companies were the tenants of the applicant and jointly operate a tobacco auction floor under the trade name of Zimbabwe Industry Tobacco Auction Centre (ZITAC) together with their sub-tenants. More

The applicant approached the court with an application for bail pending trial. The applicant is facing four counts of theft of motor vehicles. The circumstances as outlined in State papers attached clearly shows that he approached the four complainants for purposes of hiring their vehicles which he in turn sold to one Phillip Samudzimu. The applicant in support of the application filed written submissions and also oral submissions were highlighted by the applicant counsel Mr Hove. Mr Hove pointed out that the applicant was a Zimbabwean of fixed abode and that he was a suitable candidate for bail. He further... More

BravoLtd is a company in the business of letting out properties. It owns number 125 Dartford Road, Willowvale,Harare, (hereinafter referred to as the premises). It is the plaintiff and the landlord in this matter. The firstdefendant is Wordhouse Multimedia Services (Pvt) Ltd, the tenant and leases the premises from the plaintiff. Theseconddefendantis a director of the first defendant. He bound himself as surety and co-principal debtor for the first defendant’s obligations under the lease agreement. More

The respondent was employed in terms of a letter of appointment whose terms read as follows in part: “Subsequent to the various discussions we had with you recently, we are pleased to offer you a contract of employment as Procurement and Marketing Manager to Mapako (Pty) Ltd and its related companies. Date of Commencement: 1st September 2009 Duration of Contract : Open ended Subject to notice as detailed below: Location: This can be either in Zimbabwe, at your current home in Marondera, or in Francistown Botswana, at your election. While you remain in Zimbabwe, for administration reasons, you will be... More

The Appellant appeals against the Respondent’s decision to dismiss him. Appellant was employed as a general nurse by the Respondent. During his tenure of employment it was alleged that Appellant had committed acts of misconduct. More specifically it was alleged that he issued fake receipts to the Respondent’s clients, accepted payment from such clients and converted the money to his own use. He was charged in terms of the Health Services Regulations 2006, he was found guilty and dismissed from the Respondent’s employment. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Appeal Authority of the Respondent which had upheld the dismissal verdict handed down by the Disciplinary Hearing Committee on 11 September 2013. More