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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
MAVANGIRA J: The appellant was charged with two counts of attempted murder. He pleaded not guilty before the Acting Regional Magistrate at Harare but was convicted after a trial. In relation to the first count the allegation against the appellant was that he “attempted to cause the death of Constable Chimhungwe, Constable Chawapiwa, Tewende, Sergeant Maragedze and Sergeant Zhuwawo by intentionally driving straight towards them, realising that such action could cause the death of Constable Chimhungwe, Constable Chawapiwa, Tewende, Sergeant Maragedze and Sergeant Zhuwawo” (sic). In relation to the second count the allegation was that he attempted to cause the... More

The applicant is 22 years old and faces 3 counts of robbery in contravention of s 126 of the Criminal Law Code [Cap 9:23], it being alleged that on 22 September 2013, 15 October 2013 and 18 October 2013 himself and 3 others robbed the complainants of their motor vehicles using the same modus operandi. They allegedly hired the complainants to transport them to destinations before robbing them on the way. More

The material background facts to the matter are as follows; The Respondent operates a business that falls into three different National Employment Councils that is Commercial, Baking Industry and Meat Processing. It is common cause these sectors have their working conditions governed by their different National Employment Councils (NEC). Between June and August 2009 the Respondent awarded increases on a sliding scale of between 5% and 20% to its employees falling under the commercial sector. The other employees from the Baking and Meat Processing Industry were however excluded. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the National Employment Council for the Commercial Sectors Negotiating Committee hereinafter referred to as the NEC. The NEC had reinstated the Respondent to her original position with full pay and benefits from the date of her dismissal .The reinstatement irked the Appellant Company and resulted in the instant appeal. More

The appellant was convicted on 3 January 2013 at Chinhoyi magistrates court on a charge of bribery as defined in s 170 (1) (b) of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23]. It was alleged that the appellant, a conductor of a Toyota Hiace, offered a Zimbabwe Republic Police Officer a bribe of US$5.00 so that he would not be arrested and prosecuted. Appellant’s public transport motor vehicle had no certificate of fitness and the luggage was insecurely loaded. More

In September 2010 some 11 farmers from the Glendale farming area of Zimbabwe sued, on separate summonses,a company called Farmers Commodity Stock Exchange (Private) Limited in the one case, and one Peter Kenneth (Peter Kenneth) jointly with that company in the other cases. The claims were for payment of various sums of money. The farmers claimed they had sold maize grain to Farmers Commodity Stock Exchange (Private) Limited (hereafter referred to as FCSE) through Peter Kenneth. They alleged that Peter Kenneth wasan employee or agent of FCSE.The plaintiff in case no 1, Tonderai Abel Masango (hereafter referred to as the... More

On 11 July 2006 the appellant entered a hardware shop. He took a kilogram of trinepon wood glue which he hid in his trousers. He walked out of the shop without paying for it. He was arrested soon after leaving the shop. The trinepon wood glue was recovered. It was valued at $1 800-00(Zimbabwean dollars). More