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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
I dismissed the appeal on the day of hearing and indicated that reasons would follows. These are they: This is an appeal against the findings of the Appeals hearing dismissing Appellant from employment after confirming his guilty for contravening offence D14 OF Art Corporation Code of Conduct, that is to say, any act conduct or omission inconsistent with the fulfillment of the express or implied conditions of one’s contract of employment; and contravening offence D9 of Art Corporation Code of Conduct, that is to say, willful loss or damage of company property. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Respondent’s Disciplinary Committee, which found the Appellant guilty of misconduct and dismissed him from employment. More

The respondent was dismissed by the appellant. In so dismissing the respondent, the appellant did not follow the provisions of the applicable code - The National Code of Conduct Statutory Instrument 15 of 2006. The respondent was aggrieved by the dismissal and the manner in which the dismissal was done. He pursued the dispute resolution system. The matter was conciliated upon without yielding the desired results. The matter was referred to arbitration. More

This is an urgent application for stay of execution of a judgment given in Case No. HC 12328/12. The judgment registered for the purposes of enforcement an arbitral award rendered in terms of section 98 of the Labour Act[Cap 28:01] in favour of the first respondent and against the applicant. The award was submitted for registration in terms of section 98(14) of that Act. The salient facts which culminated in the filing of the instant urgent chamber applicationmay be summarised as follows: More

On 8 December 2010 at around 1700 hours and in Avonlea Drive, the plaintiff was approached by the defendant who was in company of other officers of the Criminal Investigation Department. The defendant ordered the plaintiff to disembark from the motor vehicle where he was sitting. He ordered the plaintiff to lie on the ground on his back. The defendant accused the plaintiff of having stolen the motor vehicle he was in. The plaintiff protested his innocence. The defendant who was standing directly above the plaintiff, fired several shots aimed at the plaintiff’s legs. He proceeded to handcuff the complainantand... More

This is an opposed application in which the applicant seeks the rescission of a judgment granted in default in case number HC 4922/11, together with costs of suit. At the hearing of the matter, I dismissed the application with costs and indicated that my reasons for so doing would follow. These are the reasons: More

It is WALLIS JA, with HARMS AJ, VAN HEERDEN and MALAN JJA and PETSE AJA all concurring who waxed lyrical in Executive Officer of the Financial Services Board v Dynamic Wealth Ltd &Ors201 2(1) SA 543 when he said:- “Ever since the bursting of the South Sea Bubble in 1720 governments have recognised the need, in the interests of the investing public, for regulation of the financial services industry”. More