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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application for bail pending appeal against conviction and sentence. The background of this matter is that appellants were charged with one count of robbery in contravention of s126 of the Criminal Law (Codification And Reform) Act [Cap9.23]. It was alleged that on 11 August 2013 at Guhwa village chief Chinamhora, the applicants by use of violence took US$352.00, a nokiacellphone and two packets of yeast from ArtsonKambanje. Nothing was recovered. More

This is an application made in terms of Article 34 of the Model Law in the Arbitration Act [Cap 7:15] for the setting aside setting of an arbitral award made by the second respondent on February 2012 sitting as an arbitrator to resolve a rent dispute involving the applicant and the 1st respondent. More

The applicants and the first respondent are embroiled in a labour dispute. The dispute centres on the manner and procedure which the first respondent employed when it terminated the services of the applicants. These were terminated in July, 2013. More

This is an appeal against the Arbitrator’s ruling which awarded the Respondent a salary increase in essence varying the retrenchment package agreed to by the parties. The background to this case is as follows. The Respondent was employed by the Appellant until the 31st of March 2010 when he was retrenched. The Appellant and the Respondent agreed on the retrenchment package which was duly signed on the 15th of February 2010. While the parties were negotiating the retrenchment package, the Appellant was reviewing its employee’s salaries. Respondent was aware of this. The salary review resulted in a 38% salary increment... More

This matter comes as both an appeal and a review. It is a review of the Respondent’s National Employment Council (Appeals Committee’s) decision to dismiss the appeal by the Appellant. The appeal is against the hearing committee’s decision that found Appellant guilty and imposed a dismissal penalty. The Appellant was employed as a security supervisor by the Respondent. His job description was not produced at any stage during all the proceedings for a clear understanding of what was expected of him. He was charged for gross incompetence. He appeared before Respondent’s disciplinary committeewhich found him guilty and dismissed him. Appellant... More

The plaintiff’s claim was for specific performance. In terms of a written agreement of sale on 1 February 2001 the plaintiff bought from the defendant Stand 644 Marimba Park Township, measuring 6820 m2(hereafter referred to as “the property”). The purchase price was $950 000. It was payable by a cash deposit of $450 000 and monthly instalments of $20 000 commencing on 28 February 2001. A bank account was provided into which the instalments would be deposited. The wording of the agreement of sale regarding instalment payments was as follows: More

The brief facts of this matter are that an audit was conducted at the workplace. Some anomalies which touched on the applicant’s performance of duties were discovered by the auditors. An explanation was required in order to clarify what appeared to be anomalies. The applicant’s immediate superior asked the applicant to submit a report explaining the perceived anomalies. The applicant refused to write the report. She told her boss that she was going to consult her lawyer first. Her refusal to submit the report resulted in disciplinary proceedings for ‘wilful disobedience of a lawful order’ being conducted against her. She... More