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Court Judgements

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The applicant is a political party registered in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe. It sought to participate in the 2013 harmonised elections. The Constitutional Court had, in Mawarire v Mugabe N.O. and Others CCZ 1/13, held that elections must be held before 31 July 2013 More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award by Honourable B Mapisaunga handed down on the 24th day of June 2012. The background to this matter is that Appellants Moses Rushwaya, Biggie Mupanguri, Hitler Size, Patrick Chahwanda, Alfeyo Maxwell, Success Jonasi, WalterChigunda, James Gatsi and TinarwoKaponda were at all material times employed by Respondent on fixed term contracts terminating on 31st May 2011. Respondent is a non governmental organisation engaged in non profitactivities and dependent on donor funding for its activities. Appellants had been employed for varying periods from 1 year to 9 years on fixed term contracts which had... More

This matter was set down in terms of section19 (3)(a) of the Labour Court Rules. Appellant was served with the notice of response on 20 March 2010. Appellant filed its heads of argument on 20 February 2013 when it was already barred. No upliftment of bar had been granted before filing of such heads. More

This is an application for the condonation of the late filing of an application for the alteration of a judgment granted by consent between the parties. More

On the 10th November 2011 an issue was raised as to whether the grounds of appeal were proper grounds in line with the Supreme Court cases of: SABLE CHEMICALS INDUSTRIES LIMITED VS DAVID PETER EASTER BOOK SC 18/10 (SABLE CHEMICALS) And NORMAN MUTSUTA, TONDERAI KATSANDE VS CAGAR (PRIVATE) LIMITED SC 47/09 (CAGAR) In a nutshell the issue was do the grounds of appeal raise a question of law for the appeal to be properly before this Court?. More

This is an appeal against an arbitral award. The grounds of appeal are as follows: “1. The arbitrator misdirected himself at law and found that the Applicant did not comply with Section 3(1) of the Labour Relations General Conditions of Employment, (Termination of Employment) Regulations, 1985. 2. The Arbitrator erred at law by holding that the dispute had prescribed in terms of section 94(2) of the Labour (R)elations Act Chapter 28:01, when it had not, as the computation of one hundred and eighty days in terms of the Act itself incorporates the period on review in this matter. Therefore the... More

This is an application for execution pending appeal. On 9 July 2013 I granted the following order:- “1. Execution of the judgment in case number HC 2583/10 pending appeal be and is hereby granted. 2. Respondent shall pay the costs of suit on a Legal Practitioner and client scale”. More