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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant filed this urgent chamber application for an indict. The papers were initially placed before me on 28 March 2013. Miss Makamure applied for a postponement on the grounds that Mr Tandi who was supposed to handle the matter had gone to Marondera. Mr Jori did not oppose the application and the matter was subsequently postponed by consent to 7 May 2013 for argument. More

Respondent, through a resolution of the Board of Governors, decided to re-organise the workplace which saw Appellant’s position of National Programmes Co-ordinator being abolished. Appellant was appointed National Training Manager without loss of salary and benefits. Appellant was disgruntled with the move and sought to have the matter resolved by the Labour Court after discussions at the workplace had hit a brick-wall. The Labour Court dismissed his application. More

This is an appeal from an arbitrator’s decision dismissing Appellant from employment on charges of falsifying or changing any document with fraudulent intent or attempting to do so in contravention of section 11 of Schedule D of Respondent’s Code. I dismissed the appeal with costs on the date of hearing and indicated that reasons would follow. More

At the onset of the proceedings Counsel for Respondent challenged the right of Zimbabwe Federation of Trade Union (ZFTU) in representing Applicants in this matter. Applicants are not members of ZFTU and as such ZFTU has no rights to file papers and argue matter on behalf of Applicants. More

This is an application for leave to appeal against my judgment of 23 January instant. The purported grounds of appeal are as follows; 1) That the court a quo erred in concluding that the Applicant was not a registered trade union when such union is registered. 2) That the court a quo erred in concluding that an unregistered trade union cannot appoint an agent union when section 31(1)(b) of the Labour Act authorizes such appointments. 3) That the court a quo erred in ordering ZFTU to pay costs. More

The matter was placed before me as an application for review conjoined with an appeal. More

This matter was set down as an application for condonation of late noting of an appeal and stay of execution of an National Employment Council (“NEC”) award which confirmed the dismissal of the Applicant (“employee”) from the Respondent’s (“employer”)’s employment on allegations of contravening the employment Code of Conduct. More