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This appeal is totally devoid of merit. Appellant appealed to this court not based on any evidence but on emotions. The appeal is an example of abuse of court process. I dismissed the appeal on the date of the hearing. These are my reasons. The facts of this case are that Appellant initially joined Respondent on 1 November 1987 as an Accountant at Cresta Jameson. On 25 January Appellant entered into a Contract of employment with Cresta Marakanelo (Pvt) limited where he was employed as a Financial Controller, Best Western Thapama Hotel. The contract was for a year from 1... More

The Appellants are employed of by the Respondent in various capacities. They also acted in certain higher positions for periods in excess of 2 years (since 20 March 2009). They were aggrieved by acting in those periods and felt that the Respondent was committing an unfair labour practice by not substantively appointing them to posts in which they were acting. The matter was referred for conciliation. They failed to settle. A certificate of no settlement was issued and the matter was referred to arbitration. More

In this country, unless otherwise provided, the noting of an appeal automatically suspends the execution of the judgment or decision appealed against: Wood NO v Edwards &Anor 1966 RLR 336 (G) (per LEWIS J). It is the same in South Africa: Oliphant’s Tin ‘B’ Syndicate v de Jager1912 AD 474 @ p 487;Verkouterenv Savage 1919 AD 183 @ p 184; Malan v Tollekin 1931 CPD 214;Reid v Godart 1938 AD 511; Levin v Felt and Tweeds Limited 1951 (1) 213 @ p 217 and Geffen v Strand Motors (Private) Limited 1962 (3) SA 62. More

This is an unopposed bail application.The brief facts of this case are thatapplicant is a male Chinese national residing at 4 Warren View close, Sentosa, Harare. He is on a temporary work permit that is expiring on 15April 2014. On 21 October 2013 he arrived at the Harare International Airport intending to go to China. His luggage was screened through the scanning machine and 17 pieces of raw ivory tusks weighing 99.0 kilograms and ivory worked artifacts weighing 14.9 kilograms all valued at US$ 28 475.00 were recovered. He failed to produce a permit or licence to possess the ivory... More

This is an appeal and a cross appeal against the arbitrator’s award. The employee Cheneso had approached the arbitrator after her suspension by the employer Green Motors had been declared unlawful by a court of law. The arbitrator ruled that she was entitled to certain benefits which he awarded her but declined her some for reasons spelt out in the arbitral award. More

On 12th March 2012 the Honourable A.J. Manase made an arbitration award. In terms thereof he dismissed Appellant’s claim against Respondent for unpaid salary. Appellant then appealed to this Court. More

MATHONSI J: The defendant, who is the excipient in this matter, is an incorporation, charged with the transmission and distribution of electricity in this country it being a subsidiary of ZESA Holdings Limited. The plaintiff is a commercial farmer performing her trade at subdivision 1 of Dagbreek farm in Nyazura, where she is engaged in the growing of tobacco and sugar beans. More