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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The matter was placed before me as an appeal against an arbitral award handed down on 2nd June, 2011. The material background facts of the matter are as follows; The Respondent was employed by the Appellant as a nurse from February, 2003 to June 2009. He was then dismissed in June, 2009 on allegations that he had absented from duty for 5 months. He was verbally dismissed by the Executive Officer Advisor. The Respondent initially referred the matter to the Labour Officer for conciliation and when that failed the matter was referred to arbitration. The terms of reference were for... More

In this action the plaintiff seeks the eviction of the first defendant and all those claiming occupation through him from the immovable property known as subdivision 1 of Reinfield, situate in Makonde, Mashonaland West Province. The plaintiff also claims costs of suit as against the first defendant only. More

This matter was referred to me as a Chamber Application on 22 July 2013. After perusing papers filed of record, I ordered as follows; More

This is an urgent chamber application for an interdict. The facts are as follows:- The applicant requested for land from the eleventh and twelfth respondents. The request was granted and the applicant allocated the land to 1 3000 applicants on its waiting list on a pre-service sale basis. The beneficiaries contributed towards the development of the land in terms of the applicant’s procedures. A project known as Nyatsime Housing Project Scheme (NHPS) was established in 2005. The development has now reached the stage of sewer pipe connections, water connections and putting of roads. More

The applicant and first respondent lived together in a marital union. During the blissful days of their union they formed a company namely CRISTED (PRIVATE) LIMITED (the second respondent) each one had a 50 percent share in second respondent. An immovable property was acquired and registered in Second respondent’s name. This immovable property is the only asset of the company. After several years of cohabiting the marital relationship began experiencing problems which culminated in applicant moving out of the house. Later first respondent moved out as well leaving Second respondent’s tenants in occupation. The relationship between applicant and first respondent... More

The first applicant and the second respondent have a long standing dispute between them. The dispute centres on the control and ownership of the second applicant. Each one of them claims that it is a director of the second applicant. More

On 25th November 2011 Appellant appealed to this Court against his dismissal from employment by Respondent. The appeal raised both procedural and substantive issues More