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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal challenging the decision of the Arbitrator that the dismissal of the Appellants was fair. More

In this application the applicant, a new farmer and the proud holder of an offer letter dated 13 December 2008 in respect of subdivision A of Xekene Extensionin Seke District of Mashonaland East Province (the farm) seeks a declarator that he is lawfully authorised to be in occupation of the said farm, that the first respondent, who is a previous owner of the farm who is resisting eviction, should give him vacant possession or face eviction and all this on the pain of costs on the scale of legal practitioner and client. More

On 3RD September 2010 this Court ordered Respondent to reinstate Applicant or pay him damages in lieu of reinstatement. Respondent chose to pay damages. The parties were unable to agree on quantum of the damages. Applicant then filed this application for assessment of the damages. Respondent filed opposing papers. The attorneys agreed that the matter be determined on the basis of the documents filed of record. More

The Appellant was dismissed from the Respondent’s employment for absence from work for a period in excess of seven (7) days without either advising the Line Manager or having satisfactory reason. This was a violation of the applicable Code. It is not disputed that the Appellant was absent from work for the period between 25 October 2008 and 7 November 2008 (thirteen 13) days). More

On 3rd September 2010 this Court made an order which directed Respondent to reinstate Appellant’s employ without loss of salary or benefits. In the event that reinstatement was untenable, Respondent was directed to pay Applicant damages for loss of employment. On 21st November 2012 Applicant filed this application for quantification of damages. Respondent opposed the application. More

This is an application for bail pending appeal. The five applicants were charged and found guilty of two counts of robbery as defined in s 126 of the Criminal law Codification and Reform Act [Cap 9:23.] On the first count, they received four years imprisonment of which one year was suspended on condition accused 1, 3, 4 & 5 restitute the first complainant in the sum of US $2 250.00 through the clerk of court by 4pm on 30 November 2013. More

This summary judgment application graphically illustrates that a trend is fast developing among business people in this country to borrow huge sums of money from financial institutions and when the time to pay comes, to pay as little as possible or better still, not to pay at all. A pattern is manifesting itself where business people will stop at nothing in avoiding to pay legitimate claims and in the process play havoc to investor confidence. More