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Court Judgements

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Applicant and Noah Taguta have been quarrelling over the High Priesthood of Marange Apostolic Church of St. Johanne for some years now. Each is now leading a faction. The fight for the right to inherit priestly regalia has been ongoing for some time. This case, HC 11783/11, and case no. HC 11782/11 mirror the extent to which the fight has evolved. Though both cases were placed before me for hearing I decided to issue separate judgments in view of the specific issues in each case. This judgment pertains to the issues in HC 11783/11. More

. This application was placed before me together with another application HC11783/11 wherein the present applicant is also applicant and the second respondent is cited as the first respondent. The issues in the two applications are related. I have however opted to deal with the applications separately. This judgment is therefore in respect of case No. HC 11782/11. More

This is an opposed application wherein the applicant seeks the following relief: More

The appellant was convicted of theft of motor vehicle after a trial at Masvingo. He was sentenced to 6 years imprisonment of which 2 years imprisonment was suspended for five years on the usual conditions. He appeals only against his sentence. More

This matter had been set down for the 24 May 2013. Both parties were informed that matter was postponed to a date to be informed by the Registrar. The Registrar called and advised both legal practitioners that the matter had been set down for hearing on 31 May 2013. Applicant is therefore in wilful default. More

This exception has been filed by the third defendant in a matter in which it purports to be sued by the plaintiff (CMED) as one of the material players in the non-delivery of 3 million litres of diesel that was due to it from the first defendant, FIRST OIL. The third defendants argues that the plaintiff’s summons do not disclose a cause of action in terms of order 2 Rule 11 (C) which requires a true and concise statement of the nature, extent and grounds of the cause of action and of the relief and remedies sought in the action.... More

The appeal is against the decision of the general Engineering Committee made in terms of Section 7 (3) of the Collective bargaining Agreement; Engineering and Iron and Steel Industry Statutory Instrument 301 of 1996. The appeal is opposed. The factual back ground which is largely common cause is as follows: The Respondent was employed by the Appellant for nineteen years as a Fitter skilled worker Class 2. The Respondent for the greater part of his service was chronically ill suffering from a kidney ailment. In January, 2009 he was granted indefinite sick leave by his medical practitioner in order to... More