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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
Two ladies wanted to build a house. They only had the ground but no title to it. Keenly aware of price fluctuations, they bought building material from the defendant whilst waiting for title to the land to be processed. The defendant persuaded them to pay for the roof and roof trusses before-hand. They paid. When time to deliver arrived, the defendant demanded more money for the same material. The ladies refused and insist that since they have performed their side of the bargain, the defendant must deliver. They sued for specific performance. The Evidence More

On 25th October 2011 Applicants filed an application in this Court. They prayed for an order to compel Respondent to comply with orders made by the Labour Board of the Export Processing Zones Authority in 2005. The orders by the Board directed Respondent to reinstate Applicants in its employ. Respondent opposed the application. More

This is an application for an interpleader process. The applicant in pursuant to a writ of execution issued by this court in case number HC 1953/12 attached and removed ten beasts from the judgment debtor’s premises. Thereafter the applicant received an affidavit from one Memory Kuhlengisa a representative of the claimant claiming ownership of such ten beasts. In her affidavit the said Memory Kuhlengisa claimed that the beasts were owned by the claimant and not by the judgment debtor. That led to applicant making this application. More

: These are interpleader proceedings brought by the applicant, the Deputy Sheriff of Harare, in terms of Order 30 r 205 of the High Court Rules, 1971. More

In the execution of his duties in pursuance of a writ of execution issued out of this court, the applicant placed under attachment certain items of property. This was in the matter involving Hope Tembo and Morayford Investments (Pvt) (Ltd) and ArtherMutasa HC 8415/2011. More

The need for the legal profession to reclaim and assert its position as a profession which was matched only by consecrated priesthood requires continuing introspection and thorough training on ethical standards. I have been constrained to write a judgment in this matter in a request for a postponement because of the circumstances of the case. Having heard the parties, I made an order which appears below, and indicated that my written reasons would follow. These are the reasons. More

In pursuance to a writ of execution granted by this court in case number HC 12338/11, the applicant on 16 May 2012 attached and removed the following assets from respondent’s premises; More