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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
On 5 September 2013 I dismissed the above urgent chamber application on preliminary points raised by the respondents. The basis for the dismissal was as follows:- More

Afterthe preliminaries on 18 March 2013, the trial in this matter began in earnest on 8 April 2013. The defendant had the duty to begin. That had been the agreement at the pre-trial conference. At the close of the defendant’s case the plaintiff applied for absolution from the instance. I reserved judgment. This is the judgment. More

This is the judgment in the interlocutory application by Efrolou [Private] Limited, Plaintiff in the case under reference number HC 1816/10, and First Defendant in the case under reference number HC 3285/10 [hereafter referred to as “Efrolou”] More

At the conclusion of the hearing of this appeal I dismissed the appeal in its entirety with costs and indicated that the reasons will follow. These are they:- This is an appeal against the Appeal‘s Committee’s decision which upheld the Disciplinary Committee’s verdict and penalty. More

The appellant was arraigned before the Regional Magistrate at Bindura on a charge of rape as defined in section 65 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23]. He pleaded not guilty but was convicted after a trial. He was sentenced to 14 years imprisonment of which 31/2years imprisonment was suspended on condition of good behaviour. He now appeals against both conviction and sentence More

The appellant was charged with: (i) Wilfully applying a wrong use, or unauthorised purpose, to assets or to property or alternatively. (ii) Carrying out an act which is inconsistent with the express or implied conditions of the contract of employment. The main charge is a violation of Group D – most serious offences, Category 3 of the respondent’s code of conduct. The alternative is a violation of Group D – most serious offences, category 25 of the same code. More

Forum shopping is what this matter is all about. In a spectacular comedy of errors that would have made the legendary court jesters of the mediaval king’s palacegreen with envy, the applicant achieved the impressive feat over a period of about 3 years, to approach every conceivable tribunal or court that could possibly deal with her labour dispute, managing to finally land on the door step of this court virtually panting, breath less and perspiring, from the long years of travail, with what she christened a court application for a declarator that; More