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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The facts of this matter are as bizarre as one can imagine. This is moreso when one considers the defence proferred by the first respondent to the relief sought by the applicant. More

CHITAKUNYE J: The applicant was married to the late Ruggero Borgonovo on 4 February 1964. In 1977 the applicant and late Ruggero Borgonovo executed a joint Will. In 1996 they executed a Deed of Separation and thereafter lived separately till the late Ruggero Borgonovo’s demise. More

The plaintiff’s issued out summons in this court on 14 October 2010 seeking damages to the tune of US$8 500 emanating from an alleged assault on her by the first and second respondents during the course of their work as police officers. More

The above was the headline on pp 14 of the Sport page of the Herald of 11 October 2010 after the warriors drew nil with Cape Verde in the qualifying match of the Group A of the 2012 African Cup of Nations. The soccer match, played on 10 October 2010, was reported by Augustine Hwata. That heading, in a way, depicts the mood of soccer lovers, if not the nationas a whole, following the failure by the National Team to the beat Cape Verde National Team. More

Judgment in this matter was reserved on 2 April 2013, but when the Court sat down to write the judgment, it discovered that the initial disciplinary proceedings were incomplete to the extent that, as per page 17 of the record, they only started with question five suggesting that there were prior questions which were missing. As a result the Court mandated the Registrar to ask for the complete record of the initial proceedings so that, the Court could decide whether or not the Appellant was dismissed in regular circumstances. More

This appeal concerns a mother who hid her young daughter’s friend from her parents who had been frantically searching for her everywhere. The two young friends had left the complainant’s residence and went to the appellant’s residence. Although she was confronted by the complainant’s parents regarding their daughter’s whereabouts, the appellant denied sheltering and secreting the victim away. More

At the conclusion of this appeal hearing I dismissed the appeal and indicated that my reasons will follow. More