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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The factual background of this matter is generally common cause. It is this:- - that Appellant was engaged on a renewable 3 month fixed term contract. After every 3 months the contract will be renewed. - that upon its termination on 31st July 2011 Appellant had been in Respondent’s employ for 11 continuous years on the same terms and conditions of 3 months fixed term contracts. - that Appellant was given a verbal 5 minutes notice of termination. Aggrieved by the Respondent’s non-renewal of his contract, Appellant approached the Designated Agent (D/A) who issued a certificate of no settlement. More

On 1 June 2012 this Court gave an order remitting the issue of penalty to the Respondent for reconsideration in the following terms. “The matter is referred back to the Disciplinary Hearing Committee to pass an appropriate penalty in the circumstances”. More

This is an application for bail pending appeal. The brief facts are that applicant was charged and convicted of Contravening s82 (1) of the Parks and Wildlife SI 362/1990 as read with s 128 (b) of the Parks and Wildlife Act [Cap 20:14], that is to say unlawful possession of unregistered or unmarked ivory and was sentenced to 9 years imprisonment. The applicant noted an appeal against conviction and sentence. More

This is an appeal against the penalty which was imposed on the Appellant by the Respondent’s Disciplinary Authority and confirmed by the Public Service Commission. The facts of the case are that: The Appellant who was in the Respondent’s employ as a Deputy Headmaster was charged with contravening section 44(2(a) of the Public Service Regulations 2000 as read with paragraphs 2, 3 and 8 of the First schedule ( Section 2) of these regulations. More

This is an application for review. The grounds for review stated that, “Grounds Of Review 2.1 The suspension of Applicant and any subsequent proceedings thereafter is a nullity as it is not in terms of the applicable registered Code of Conduct read together with the Urban Councils Act. It was improper for the employer to use the National Employment Code of Conduct. S.I. of 2006 given that there is an applicable registered code of conduct for Chitungwiza Municipality. Respondent is estopped at law from forum shopping codes of conduct. 2.2 it was grossly unreasonable and irrational for Respondent to suspend... More

The applicant was employed as a Town clerk for Chitungwiza Municipality. He was charged with 8 counts of fraud as defined in s 136 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23]. In count 9 he was charged with corruptly concealing from a principal a personal interest in a transaction as defined in s 173 of the Code. In the 10th count he was charged with defeating or obstructing the course of justice as defined in s 184 (1) (e) of the Code. More

The plaintiff is a duly incorporated company which has an agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Tobacco Industry Marketing Board (“TIMB”) in terms of which it is permitted to enter into contracts with tobacco farmers to fund the growing of flue-cured tobacco which would then be purchased directly by the plaintiff. The defendant is a commercial tobacco farmer carrying out her trade at Two Journey’s End Farm in Wedza District. More