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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against the decision of the Arbitrator who dismissed the Appellant’s case on the basis that it had prescribed as provide for in section 94 of the Labour Act. The brief facts of the case are the Appellant was dismissed in 2007 by Respondent following a hearing at the Respondent’s workplace. Appellant did not do anything to register his disagreement with the dismissal case until sometime in 2010 when he approached the labour officer with the view to having his case re-visited. He ended up at the arbitrator’s where the arbitrator noted that the claim was out... More

The facts of this matter are that the respondent was employed by the appellant as a bursar. More

The Applicant Honey and Blanckenberg, instituted interpleader in terms of r 30 of High Court Rules for the court to declare to whom it should pay an amount of $70 000 currently held in trust as rentals for certain companies. According to applicant’s affidavit, the companies in question are being laid claim to by nine different respondents. The tenth respondent, the Registrar of Deeds, was cited to throw light on the question of ownership by virtue of certain statutory returns that have been filed with it. Despite the assistance that the court would indeed have obtained from the tenth respondent’s... More

This is an application for quantification. The Applicant has given it the title “Quantification for arrear salaries, Benefits and damages in lieu of Reinstatement”. More

This is an application in which the applicant seeks the following order: “It is ordered that: 1. The respondent’s suspension letter of the 14th August 2011 be and is hereby declared null and void. 2. The disciplinary hearing held on the 3rd October 2011 and subsequent proceedings be and is (sic) hereby declared null and void and the respondent is hereby barred from further charging and prosecuting the applicant. 3. The respondent be and is hereby ordered to reinstate the applicant without loss of salary and benefits. 4. The respondent shall pay the costs of this application.” More

The plaintiff is a businessmen and a director of a number of private companies operating in Zimbabwe, South Africa and Hong Kong. For quite sometime he has been operating his various businesses in partnership with the defendants who are Chinese nationals. More

This is an application for rescission of a judgement in matter no. HC 13997/12 granted on 16 January 2013 by this court. The dispute grew out of a lease agreement under which certain disputed amounts for rates, water and electricity and arrear rentals remained owing by the applicant as lessee, to the respondent, Stonler Systems as lessor. The respondent issued summons for the recovery of monies owing and for the eviction of the applicant from the premises where he was running a restaurant. The lessee having failed to enter an appearance to defend, the respondent as lessor obtained a default... More