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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application for interim relief. It is opposed. The applicant dismissed the respondent. The respondent appealed to the relevant National Employment Council (NEC). The NEC found that the applicant had not followed the provisions of the relevant code. The applicant did not suspend the respondent at the commencement of the disciplinary process. The NEC therefore remitted the matter back to the applicant for the matter to be heard afresh. That decision aggrieved the applicant prompting it to appeal that decision. Before the finalisation of that appeal which has been noted with this Court, the applicant is asking the... More

On the day of the hearing of this matter the parties opted not make any oral submissions. They proposed that I make a determination on the basis of the papers filed of record. I obliged. At any rate, the applicant’s answering affidavit and heads of argument, although having been issued earlier, were at that time still to find their way into the court record. More

This is an application for eviction. The brief facts of this matter are as follows.The applicant is the registered owner of stand 8141 Salisbury Township of Salisbury Township Lands, otherwise known as Number 17 St Dominic’s road, Milton Park, Harare.Sometime in August 2011 the Sheriff of Zimbabwe advertised the sale of the stand. The property was to be sold by public auction in a suit involving Kingdom Bank Ltd, and Colforth Investments(Pvt) Ltd and 10 others under case No HC5917/10.The plaintiff in that matter had obtained default judgment after the defendants had failed to attend a pre Trial Conference.The Sheriff... More

It is common cause that there was an agreement entered into between the defendants and the plaintiff for the drilling of a borehole at the latter’s farm in Mvuma. More

This is an application for the ejectment of the respondent and all persons claiming occupation through it from premises known as Number 61 Leopold Takawira Street, Harare, together with holding over damages in the sum of US$166.66 per day calculated from 01 August 2012 to the date when the defendant vacates the premises. The factual background to the dispute is as follows: More

After hearing both counsel and having read the documents filed of record the court dismissed the appeal on the basis of a point in limine that was raised. The reasons were read in court and these are the written reasons for the dismissal of the appeal. More

This is an application brought under s 24(1) of the Constitution of Zimbabwe (hereinafter “the Constitution”) on the basis that the applicant’s rights enshrined in ss 18(1) and 18(1a) have been contravened. More