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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The accused was charged with contravening s 3(2) (a) as read with s 3(3) of the Gazetted Land (Consequential Provisions) Act, [Cap 20:28] in that during the period extending “from 21 November 20011 to date, JephanyTafirenyikaMwaluzah being an illegal settler or occupier of subdivision 1 of subdivision A of Lanark Farm, a piece of land situated in Beatrice and registered in the name of Kanjara Enterprises Limited, unlawfully and without authority from the acquiring authority, failed to cease to occupy the farm after its compulsory acquisition and allocation to ShunguMachingura”. He was charged in the alternative with criminal trespass as... More

Applicant applied for the review of arbitration proceedings conducted by 2nd Respondent. 1st Respondent opposed the application. Applicant’s case was based on grounds of procedural irregularities and irrationality of the decision made. More

On 15 March 2012 this court issued a Provisional Order whose terms were as follows: “TERMS OF FINAL ORDER SOUGHT That you show cause to this Honourable Court why a final order should not be made in the following terms:- 1. Why Respondents should not lease one Isuzu vehicle registration AAP 0463 to applicant forthwith as per written agreement. 2. Costs incurred in recovering the said vehicle shall be borne by Respondent. 3. The costs of this application to be borne by the Respondent. More

The appellant, a private in the Zimbabwe National Army was convicted, on his own plea of guilty, of culpable homicide as defined in section 49 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act, [Cap 9:23]. He was sentenced to 4 years imprisonment of which 2 years imprisonment was suspended for 5 years on the usual conditions of good behaviour. He appeals against that sentence. More

After hearing and assessing the evidence led in this case, on 27th of March 2013 I pronounced the following order;- “ Consequently I order as follows:- 1. The defendant and all those claiming occupation or ownership through him of subdivision 1 of Roslin farm in Seke District of Mashonaland East Province measuring approximately 390.58 hectares in extent be and are hereby evicted from the said farm on or before 30 May 2013. More

On 15January 2013 the appellant was driving a Nissan Elgrand which is not registered along Zimplats road with one passenger on board. He was stopped by Police Officers who were carrying outanenforcement along the said road. The Officers discovered that the appellant was not a holder of a driver’s licence. He was arrested and was convicted by a KadomaMagistrate on his own plea of guilty to contravening s 6 of the Road Traffic Act [Cap 13.11]. He was sentenced to 6 months imprisonment of which 3 months imprisonment was suspended for 5 years on the usual condition of good behaviour.... More

The plaintiff claims for damages for breach of contract arisingto an oral agreement entered into between him on one hand and the defendant on the other; interest at the prescribed rate together with costs of suit. At the pre-trial conference the issues were identified as: More