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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an application for rescission of judgment in two matters, HC 6627/10, and HC 3805/08, brought in terms of Order 49 rr 449(1)(a) of the High Court Rules, 1971. The relief sought by the applicant, is for an order in the following terms: More

The applicant a Canadian citizen who is also a permanent resident in Zimbabwe and the respondent an American citizen who is also a permanent resident in Zimbabwe but has abandoned that status, married each other in Americaafter which they came to live in Zimbabwe on resident permits. They were blessed with 3 children Arielle NikoleCurle born on 27 February 1999, Keith Richard Curle born 10 September 2000 and Ashley Elizabeth Curle born on 15 January 2003, whose custody they are now fighting over. More

At the end of hearing the partiesarguments we dismissed the appeal in its entirety with costs, and indicated that our reasons would follow in due course. More

This is an application for condonation of late filing of an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court by Jonathan Tavarwisa (Applicant). In terms of Rule 36 of the Labour Court Rules SI 59/2006 (The Rules) a party wishing to appeal to the Supreme Court against a Labour Court decision, shall file an application for leave to appeal with the Labour Court within 30 days of the date of the judgment to be appealed against. More

This is an application for condonation of late noting of appeal. The application was lodged some three (3) years after the applicant’s dismissal from employment.I dismissed the application after reading the documents in chambers. The facts of the matter are that the Appellant was dismissed from the Respondent’s employ for absenting himself from work without leave to do so.Efforts to call him for a hearing failed. More

CHIGUMBA J: This is an urgent chamber application in which the applicants seek the following relief: TERMS OF ORDER SOUGHT That you show cause to this Honorable Court why a final order should not be made on the following terms:- 1. That the order and judgment in case No 112 9052/11 granted on 23 November 2011 by the Honorable Chiweshe J. granting occupation to Chamunorwa Charles Mutyambizi of the farm subdivision 1 of Charmaine of Dryton in Seke District of Mashonaland Eat and ordering Jose Marcelino Goncalves and M.M Pretorius P/L to give vacant occupation of the said farm be... More

The plaintiff and the defendant married each other in 1999 in terms of customary law. They upgraded their marriage to a civil one in terms of the Marriage Act [Cap 5:11] on 25 April 2004. Their marriage was blessed with a daughter Tatenda born on 14 March 2000. More