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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The applicant and second respondent lived together as man and wife for about 10 years. Certain unhappy differences arose as a result of which they could no longer continue staying together. On 4 June 2001, second respondent issued summons against applicant claiming, inter alia, an order that House No. 5465 Budiriro Township be declared her sole and exclusive property. More

The matter was placed before me as an appeal against the determination by the Public Service Commission confirming the decision by the Respondent to discharge the Appellant from employment with effect from after duty on 9 November 2009. More

Having received information that the appellant was moving around in possession of a firearm the police went to the appellant’s house to conduct a search. They recovered a 12 bore shot gun and 4 rounds of ammunition from his bedroom. It is common cause that the firearm in question had been fired once. More

This is an application for registration of an arbitral award made by arbitrator N.M. Tichiwangana on 6 February 2012 which award remains extant. The application is opposed by the respondent and the thrust of such opposition is contained in para 4 of the opposing affidavit of Peter Matemba which reads; More

Appellant appealed against his dismissal from employment by Respondent. The crux of his case is set out in his Heads of Argument as follows, “12. The Respondent failed to establish all these essential elements of theft during the hearing much made (sic) and arbitrary decision to dismiss the Appellant. The Labour Act states that an employee can only be dismissed if it is proved in terms of the law that he was engaged in an act of misconduct stipulated in the Employment Code of Conduct (Section 12B of the Act). More

This is an application for review. Before the matter proceeded on merits four points in limine were raised. On the basis of the points in limine this court dismissed the application. More

On 31 January 2011 the plaintiff issued summons against the defendant for the following relief:- “(a) eviction of the defendant and all those claiming right of occupation through her from Stand No. 1091 Joshua Nkomo Housing Co-operative. (b) An order authorising the plaintiff to allocate Stand 1090 to another paid up member. (c) Costs of suit”. More