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Court Judgements

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The Appellant was employed by the Respondent as a Senior School Teacher. On the 2nd of March, 2009 he was suspended on allegations of having an act of misconduct viz paragraph 4 “Improper threatening and discourteous behavior including sexual harassment during course of duty.” The allegations were that he had requested a Sandra Maranike, a Form 6 student at the school to carry commerce exercise books and accompany him to his house. When they got to the house he allegedly detained Sandra by locking the dining room door and pocketing the keys. He had then dragged Sandra into his bedroom,... More

Appellant worked for Respondent as an Administration Assistant based in Harare. On 25th October 2005 he was charged with misconduct. A hearing was held. He was found guilty and penalised with dismissal. He appealed against the outcome. Respondent’s Appeals Committee dismissed the appeal. He then appealed to this Court against the decision of the Appeals Committee. More

This is an application for bail pending trial. Applicant is facing murder and robbery charges as defined in sections 47 and 126 of the Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act [Cap: 9.2.3.]. Applicant was implicated by one of his co-accused as being part of the group which assaulted complainants with iron bars, machetes, catapults and empty beer bottles. One MurisaChindundu died as a result of the assault. Applicant and his co-accused stole a nokia phone from the deceased. They also stole cellphones, cash amounting to $33 and 100 kg of gold ore amongst other items from deceased’s colleagues. The applicant... More

This is an urgent chamber application. The applicant seeks a provisional order for a stay of the criminal trial against him in the magistrate’s court pending the determination of his application for review which is pending in this court. More

The appeal was noted against an arbitral award handed down by the Honourable C. Mucheche dated 23rd November, 2009 The background factsto the matter are as follows; The Respondent was employed by the Appellant as its Legal Publishing Unit Manager. On the 29th of October, 2008 he was suspended by Appellant on a variety of allegations. He appeared before a Disciplinary Committee on the 17th and 18th of that 2008 facing the following charges; (i) Any act of conduct or omission inconsistent with the fulfillment of the express or implied conditions of his contract; (ii) Willful disobedience to a lawful... More

The applicant and the 1st respondent lived together in an unregistered customary law union. They agree that they had a tacit universal partnership which has broken down leading to their having to share the assets they had acquired during the universal partnership. They initially disputed over the sharing of their assets but eventually resolved the dispute by entering into a deed of settlement. The deed of settlement records the party’s agreement on the existence of the universal partnership. It provides for the custody and maintenance of their minor children and the distribution of their movable and immovable property. More

At the commencement of the appeal before this Court, Respondent raised two points inlimine.The points were that; 1. Appellants were barred for failure to file their Heads of Argument timeously; and 2. The matter was resjudicata. More