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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is an appeal against the decision of the Disciplinary Committee which dismissed the Appellant on grounds of contravening the Respondent’s Code of Conduct. In particular, it was alleged that the Appellant stole timber from her workplace. Facts of the case are that the Appellant was employed by the Respondent Company as a sales person. She is said to have in the first count failed to notify her superiors timeously of the fact that customers’ timber which had been bought from the Respondent had gone missing in transit to the customer. In respect of the second count she was said... More

This is an appeal against the respondent’s decision, dismissing appellant from employment on a charge of fraud. The brief facts are that appellant was employed by the respondent as a loss control assistant. Her duties involved minimising the exposure of respondent to losses. On 26 September 2012 appellant applied for educational assistance for her child,Result, in the sum of $225. The sum was for third term of 2012. Appellant attached an invoice from the school for $225. A visit by the respondent at the school showed that third term fees were $75.00. The sum of $225 included fees for Baison... More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Respondent Health Services Board which upheld the Appellant’s dismissal on charges of ferrying unauthorized passengers in the Respondent’s bus. The brief facts of the case are that: Appellant who was employed as a driver by the Respondent was seen by his superiors on 4 June 2011 ferrying unauthorized passengers in a bus belonging to the Respondent and clearly marked so. More

The plaintiff on 28 March 2011 issued summons out of this court seeking an order of sharing of assets the parties are said to have acquired together during the subsistence of a customary law union between the parties, and costs of suit. More

On 12TH September 2012 this Court made an order by consent in terms of which Respondent was ordered to pay Applicant back-pay and benefits together with damages in lieu of reinstatement. The figures were to be either agreed by the parties or assessed by this Court. The parties failed to agree on the figures resulting in this application for assessment. Both parties filed papers setting out their calculations and submissions. More

The plaintiff issued summons out of this court on 17 August 2011 seeking an order compelling the first defendant to effect change of ownership of Stand No. 9781 Kuwadzana Phase 3 Harare from his name to the plaintiff’s name and that of Dickson Kudzanga within seven days of the date of judgment, that should first defendant fail or refuse to effect change of ownership as requested the Sheriff of Zimbabwe be authorised to sign any papers or documents as provided for the second defendant to effect change of ownership of the said stand from the defendant’s name to that of... More

The facts of the matter brings into focus the challenges this court will always have in unopposed divorce matters where one of the parties to the proceedings decides to act fraudulently and abuses the procedure adopted in such matters. What leaves a bitter a taste in the mouth as it were, is that the presiding judge acting attentively and with due diligence may not detect such fraud. It is precisely for this reason that I have decided to write this judgment in an unopposed matter so as to highlight this problem and possibly alert a number of legal practitioners who... More