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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The appeal is against the determination by the Respondent’s Works Council handed down on 24 March, 2011 which upheld earlier findings by Respondent hearing committee. The background facts to the matter are as follows; The Appellant was employed by the Respondent on the 1st of July, 2004 as the Administration Clerk. In 2005 she was transferred to CCD to work as a Cashier. From 2007 to 2009 she was again transferred to work as CIT Cashier. In 2009 she was re assigned to do stock controller duties. She was on 28 December, 2010 notified to attend a disciplinary hearing in... More

At the beginning of the hearing I dismissed the points in limine raised by both parties and stated that the reasons would be given in the main judgment. I will therefore proceed to deal with the points in limine in the order they were raised. More

The plaintiff is the defendant’s wife married to him in terms of the Marriages Act [Cap 5:11]. They were married at Harare on 18 June 2003. She sued him for a decree of divorce and ancillary relief on the basis that their marriage has irretrievably broken down. The defendant agrees that their marriage has irretrievable break down. More

The applicant issued this application on 1 March 2013 and had it served upon all the respondents on 1 March 2013. The dies inducae expired on 15 March 2013 but the respondents purported to file their notices of opposition on 18 March 2013, 3 days out of time. It is not the period of the infraction which informs my decision in this matter but what the respondents did after that or is it what they did not do. More

The applicants and the first respondent maintained a landlord-tenant relationship. The relationship was based on an agreement of lease which the parties concluded on 4 October, 2006. More

This is an appeal against the decision of the Respondent to dismiss the Appellant on allegations of contravening the Respondent Code of conduct SI 165 or 1995 Part B Section 4 (a) (iv) Misappropriation; applying or attempting to apply to a wrong use for unauthorized purpose any funds, assets or property belonging to the company ; and 4 (a) (i) bribery or corruption; giving or receiving or attempting to give or receive any bribe of inducing, or attempting to induce any person to perform any corrupt act; and 4 (a) (ii) false evidence, deliberately giving untrue, erroneous or misleading information... More

This is an opposed application for confirmation of a provisional order issued by my sister Judge, Justice GUVAVA on 25 March 2011 calling upon the respondents to show cause why a final order should not be made upon the following terms: More