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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
This is a claim for defamatory damages. The plaintiff seeks US$35 000-00 forinjuria and contumelia arising from an article written in the H-Metro of 13 October 2011 by the first defendant, edited by the second defendant and published by the third defendant. The three defendants contested the action. More

Applicant made a chamber application to this court on 9 January 2013 seeking this court to condone her late filing of an appeal against the decision of the Respondent Council. The Respondent dismissed her on allegations of theft and absence from work without leave. After going through the papers pertaining to this application in particular, the founding affidavit and the respondent’s notice of response, the court observed that the Applicant had baldly averred that she had prospects of success on appeal on the matter .The court instructed the Applicant to purge the defect before the matter could be set down... More

This is an application which alleges that the determination of the arbitrator relating to the Applicant’s disciplinary hearing which was dated 3rd August 2007 when the hearing happened on the 8th of August 2007 was forged. The prayer is that the determination be set aside and that the Applicant be reinstated to this former position without any loss of benefits and status. More

On 30th August, 2011 the Honourable N.A. Mutongoreni made an arbitration award. In terms thereof he ordered Appellant to sell a company car to Respondent or alternatively pay him the residual value of the car. Appellant then appealed to this Court against the award. Appellant employed Respondent from 2007 as its Human Resources Manager at Mutare. Respondent resigned from employment on the 4th May, 2011. At the time of resignation he had been allocated the company car in terms of Appellant’s Motor Vehicle Policy. More

This is an urgent application for an Interim Interdict against thefirst, second and third respondents to stop them from constituting an arbitral panel and proceeding with arbitration proceedings. The applicant sought a provisional order in the following terms. More

On 9 April 2010 the plaintiff issued summons against the defendants for the following relief: “(i) That the purported agreement of sale entered into by and between plaintiff and first defendant be and is hereby declared null and void and off no force or effect. (ii) That fourth defendant be and is hereby ordered to cancel the transfer from first defendant to third defendant of Stand 384 Athlone Township of Lot 2A of GreenGrove under Deed of Transfer No. 474/2010 dated 10th February, 2010. (iii) That 4th defendant transfer the property to the plaintiff. (iv) That the interest rate of... More

: On 15 June 2012 the applicant filed a court application out of this court seeking an order compelling the respondent to transfer to herself stand 19247 Harare of Harare Township Lands. Alternatively she sought payment of the sum of US$18 862-00 being damages in the form of US$9 862-00 as the value of a kiosk demolished by the respondent, US$5000-00 for loss of business and US$4000-00 as goodwill in respect of the kiosk business. In her founding affidavit, the applicant stated that on 16 August 1995 she had entered into a lease agreement with the respondent in terms of... More