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Court Judgements

Browse Court Judgements by year
The plaintiff and the defendant customarily married each other in 1981. They registered their customary union in July 1983. They both started off working in Gweru, after which the defendant left Government service,to work for the Cotton Marketing Board. They were blessed with three children who are all majors, but their eldest child Nyasha, is mentally handicapped and will according to the Doctor’s report, have to be treated as a perpetual minor. More

The two accused persons were convicted on their own pleas of guilty to contravening s 4 (2) of the Firearms Act [Cap 10:09] after they were found in possession of a firearm which was in the dashboard of a Toyota Raum they were using. The firearm is registered but in the name of someone else. More

The plaintiff is a Philippino national resident in Zimbabwe. She on 1 June 1984 married Apolonio Ramos Dacany a Philipino in the Philippines.She thereafter on 16 February 2000 marriedthe late Baker Eddy Morten an American who was resident in Zimbabwe. The later marriage was solemnised in Zimbabwe. She at the subsequent marriage presented herself as a divorcee. She apparently complied with the requirements for the marriage of a divorcee. The magistrate who conducted the marriage said she presented a divorceorder which enabled him to issue them with a marriage certificate. More

The Respondent raised a preliminary objection because up to the time of the hearing, the Applicant had not filed Heads of Argument, in contravention of Rule 19 of the Labour Court Rules. Respondent’s counsel said the Applicant is therefore barred in terms of Rule 19 (3) and should not be heard. More

The applicant seeks leave of this court to appeal against the judgment of this court dismissing his appeal against both his conviction and sentence by way of a chamber application. That application does not include the proposed grounds of appeal as required by r263 of the High Court Rules, 1971. Further, the application does not state the grounds upon which it is contended that leave to appeal should be granted as is required by the same rule. More

The applicant approached the court with an application for bail pending trial. The applicant is facing two counts of criminal charges, firstly he is charged with section 45 (1) of the Parks and Wildlife Act, [Cap 20:14] hunt or kill any specifically protected animal and secondly unlawful possession of a dangerous weapon as defined in section 28 (1) (e) of the Criminal Law (codification and Reform) Act [Cap 9:23]. It is the state’s contention that the accused together with accomplices entered Matendere ranch, Save valley conservancy, Bikita armed with one AK47 rifle with a charged magazine plus 38 loose live... More

The dispute in this case was over the issue of succession to the position of village head.The background information was that the plaintiff, Matyeka (correct name Mahleka) Whicho, was the last born male child in the family in question. The second defendant, Tate Whicho, was plaintiff’s elder half-brother. They were born of the same father but of different mothers. Between them was another brother who had been born of the same mother as the plaintiff. The plaintiff claimed he had been duly appointed the village head in 1999 and had on three occasions received the allowances for that position but... More